Lesson 9




We are posed now with an interesting apparent problem, the answer to which explains fully one of Buddha Dharma’s important teachings, and once again an explanation that is contrary to superstition and egocentric belief.

If one is willing to accept the current beliefs and reject alternatives then it is better to read no further, but if one's mind is open to alternatives then please read on.

We have said that Compassion is experienced as a result of the arising and acceptance of correct intentions.

If then one has a correct intention to eat a banana or wash one’s hands in a stream, does there arise natural Compassion? The answer is clearly yes. It arises in every condition where there is a correct intention approved by the Buddha Nature of the Life Force. Thus Compassion is not just something reserved for those with suffering or those in pain.

Why is this so important?

 If you were alert you may have seen.


What does the Life Force confirm?

It is that that the intention is correct.

Correct for what?

Correct for the perpetuation of one’s own survival AND FOR THE FUTURE SURVIVAL OF ALL SENTIENT CREATURES.

Thus one washes ones hands not just for oneself.

Anything that is for oneself that is natural and correct benefits all sentient creatures. The Bodhisattva realizes this. The early Mahayana saw this, so it was easy to dedicate every task (every intention), no matter how small it was, for the benefit of other beings. They saw clearly that it helped dissolve the Identity, the “clinging and craving” perching on any Arahat’s shoulder ready to pounce.


Now if one dedicates all behaviour and benefits to others, then we are told that this brings MERIT. Here again we must point out a common misunderstanding. The idea of MERIT used is generally counter productive.


It is usually considered that the earning of merit refers to good karma which will lead to a good rebirth in the next life and that monks earn merit primarily through their achievements in meditation and the lay people by supporting the monks, worship, and in living an ethical life.


The idea that there is an individual who actually gains merit is to promote egoism.

The idea that this merit promotes a personal gain here or in any other world must also appear incorrect if we are to accept the non-existence of an enduring person.


It is suggested here that one gains no merit in the sense that the word is usually used.


 Who is there after all to gain Merit…?


What then is this MERIT EARNED and what use is it?





Merit really is the attainment of a state of worthiness, but there is no individual who possesses that state. So Worthiness in Buddha Dharma is an idea about a state of being. To increment MERIT is to gain Worthiness. What for? There are no medals or trophies in Buddha Dharma. One goes to no Heaven because one is worthy. One goes to no Hell because one is not. Worthiness is an aura of ENERGY that is positive… By gaining MERIT you simply increase your aura of worthiness. But no one can see it and declare… “Oh, what a worthy person.” There is no Identity to see it and say “I am worthy,” for if there is an Identity saying that then there is no worthiness.

Worthiness stems from the mental interpretation of an internal signal (you may experience a physical warmness, an experience of well being). What does this internal signal do?


Perhaps you can intuit what it may be...


Do you remember the idea of the sophisticated biocomputer replete with feedback and correction systems that was mentioned?

Every time that an Attitude, an Intention, or a Potential Action is generated, then that information is fed to the Buddha Nature to see if it is consistent with natural human behaviour. How marvellous that is.


Let us elaborate upon that.

When a stimulus enters the system on the base of some external (or internal) irritation then that information generates a certain posture or attitude from the person. It is an attitude which was originally based upon the operation in that moment of the sensations of Identity, but in storage the interpretations of volition and the discriminations have generated a complex ATTITUDE. If the Attitude is found to be correct in relation to that irritation and does no harm to the mind or body of the person (or others) there is experienced a generalized state of well being, and an experience of GLADNESS.

The information is then passed on to the INTENTION process. All Intentions then are based upon stored ATTITUDES. When a finalized INTENTION is adjudicated, it is evaluated in the same way and there ensues an experience of well-being if it is correct and in accord with the Buddha Nature, and an elaborated experience of Compassion is also experienced...

If that Intention is consistent with what is naturally correct then the Intention is passed on for the Preparation of Actions or ACTION READINESS. Here too the same process takes place, with the corresponding WELL-BEING. But in this case BENEVOLENT AFFECT is the experience...


Now you can see that Buddha Nature agreement at each level induces in the system a state of Well-Being.

If there is no agreement at any particular stage in the natural system then the system simply sends a signal for a re-computation to take place.



There is one other element. It is the ACTION itself. The experience of MERIT or WORTHINESS is a feedback mechanism which lets consciousness know that that ACTION itself has been a Worthy Action, because it was in accord with the correct READINESS.


The signal of worthiness is not aroused by external signals like the pleasure or pain it brings others. It is aroused simply because the action was executed and made in accord with correct attitudes, intentions and the readiness of that action.

Now the system is also prepared, if it was without Identity, with an INTENTION to maintain a mental EQUANIMITY in the face of any consequences of the action...

Thus the CORRECT ACTION along with the EQUIANIMITY acts as a re-enforcer for the ATTITUDE which began the series.


Let us be clear what that EQUANIMITY is.


It means that the sole criterion for correctness is the natural system and that external reactions to the ACTION finally taken are not relevant for the harmony and balance of the human creature. If you do something correctly, it makes no difference if any one is pleased or displeased. It matters not if there is an apparent reward or not. It is only important that there is internal consistency in the system. It is only important that the chain of Attitudes, Intentions and prepared Actions are correct.


In the Stained Identity system it is the responses, judged as correct or incorrect by the Identities, that reinforce all behaviour. I trust that you can see the difference.

What is the recompense for the correct series? It is that we continue on a correct path. That is Positive Karma and the reward of Positive Karma. Can you think of a more appropriate and better reward?

What is the consequence of Incorrect Action…? It is reinforcement of the incorrect series. This is Negative Karma of the mundane variety. Can you think of a worse consequence than to be induced to continue on a path that is not correct for the human creature? (Transcendental Karma is directly related to the Intention, not Actions or Equanimity.)


If there is neither reward in the common sense, nor punishment, is there any benefit from correct attitudes, intentions, readiness for action and action? Yes there is. It is called Blessing. One can receive BLESSINGS.




Let us see what Buddha once more declared.


Maha-mangala Sutta

Thus have I heard:

On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Savatthi at Jetavana at Anathapindika's monastery. Now when the night was far advanced, a certain deity, whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana, approached the Blessed One, respectfully saluted him, and stood beside him. Standing thus, he addressed the Blessed One in verse:

1. "Many deities and men longing for happiness have pondered on (the question of) blessings. Pray tell me what the highest blessings are.

2. "Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise, and to honor those worthy of honor — this is the highest blessing.

3. "To reside in a suitable locality, to have performed meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right direction — this is the highest blessing.

4. "Vast learning, skill in handicrafts, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech — this is the highest blessing.

5. "To support one's father and mother; to cherish one's wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupations — this is the highest blessing.

6. "Liberality, righteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives, and performance of blameless deeds — this is the highest blessing.

7. "To cease and abstain from evil, to abstain from intoxicating drinks, and diligence in performing righteous acts — this is the highest blessing.

8. "Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the Dhamma, the teaching of the Buddha — this is the highest blessing.

9. "Patience, obedience, meeting the Samanas (holy men), and timely discussions on the Dhamma — this is the highest blessing.

10. "Self-control, chastity, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realization of Nibbana — this is the highest blessing.

11. "The mind that is not touched by the vicissitudes of life, 1 the mind that is free from sorrow, stainless, and secure — this is the highest blessing.

12. "Those who have fulfilled the conditions (for such blessings) are victorious everywhere, and attain happiness everywhere — To them these are the highest blessings."


Is it not then clear that the only reward for correctly developing attitudes, intentions, readiness for action and actions is Equanimity, which is the possession of an untroubled and un-agitated mind and the BLESSINGS that one continues to think and act correctly upon the Dharma path?

Do you see the Dharma beauty of this? There is no one who receives these blessings. There is only the redistribution of “Good” for the benefit of all sentient creatures.