The essential base for all life is the FEMALE. 

           Everyone should be able to clearly see this and accept that fact. 

    What is more difficult to accept is the fact that all LIFE is basically FEMALE. 

                                       What does that mean? 

It means that the creature which we call MALE is really a FEMALE with special characteristics which allow a different LIFE ROLE. 

Let's make sure that you grasp that, because for many persons, especially those males that CLING to their MASCULINITY, this will appear absurd. 

The Correct and Natural male is, in a manner of speaking, really a very special variety of FEMALE. How is this? 

Well, actually, there exists a force within each living creature, a FEMALE FACTOR. 

                                 THE FEMALE FACTORS "A" and "B"

In the Complete and Natural human female, this develops and shows itself psychologically in a complete range of FEMININE CHARACTERISTICS.

The Complete and Natural human male also carries the FEMALE FACTOR, but the Female Characteristics which he has are limited. In fact they are limited to a range of factors which promote the important factors of SENSITIVITY and SENSUALITY. We call this common FACTOR the "A" FACTOR, the ATTRACTION FACTOR. 

It is this Female Factor which draws the MALE and FEMALE together in an initial INTIMATE rapprochement once the POTENTIAL FOR UNION has been confirmed. 

The remaining Female Characteristics we call the "B" FACTOR, BECOMING FACTOR. It is this FACTOR which becomes stimulated in the process of MALE-FEMALE UNITY, and permits her to experience a HEIGHTENED and COMPLETE FEMININITY. 

The MALE, although not having the full range of Female Characteristics, has instead a special set of catalysts which awakens that full expression in the FEMALE.

When and if the pairing is correct, then the male then experiences his own femininity. 

These catalysts which he carries are Female Characteristics, but they have been changed through gradual evolution, taking on a Masculine form of Expression.

We therefore call these characteristics the B FACTOR CATALYSTS.

The feminine characteristic "Healing", for example, which allows the FEMALE to bring the injured male to her bosom for needed COMFORT and SECURITY, is transformed into "Protection" which is a masculine form which can be considered as preventative behaviour based on the same caring principle.

Do you get the general idea?

Each female then carries an extensive array of special characteristics. The male, as we have said, carries some female characteristics in common which permit a sensitive and sensual UNION, the A FACTOR, plus the non-specific facility to evoke the full expression of femininity in the female, and he interprets these in male form as B FACTOR CATALYSTS.

The MALE then is, as well as a seed planter, a CATALYST. It was this consolidation function, as a strong motivator, modified through evolution, that permitted man to develop his natural function as master of the territorial imperative and his prowess as hunter, fisher, warrior, protector of the female and offspring.


It is the natural and correct state it is the Female who first behaves to evoke the UNION and mutual expression of COMMON FACTORS in UNION. In the presence of a suitable male, the female gives a subtle signal which the sensitive MALE picks up.

This is the INITIATION of the UNION.

This makes the WOMAN both the natural leader and the natural guide in Intimate Interactions. Because of the Natural Unity then between male and female and the presence of the Feminine factors in both, a mutual understanding despite physical differences was possible. 

Don't imagine for one moment this female as a doting, weak but charming creature. 

In the primitive world she would have lasted only an instant. Nevertheless, for the first human Females, the Feminine Factor existed in a more simple form without mental elaboration.

As a result of the common FEMININE FACTOR there was, despite brusque contact, a Harmony and Balance which was befitting the times. This meant a clear development of survival roles.

                                        NEGATIVE EVOLUTION

This Harmony and Balance has been lost between the modern MALE and FEMALE.

In the past, as the IDENTITIES asserted themselves at some point in evolution, the distance between Male and Female increased and the Feminine Factor in man became submerged beneath the concept of MASCULINITY.

The balance and harmony was destroyed.

As civilization advanced, the FEMININE FACTOR in FEMALES also changed. They became conditioned by society, becoming a false caricature of true femininity. Beneath the surface, however, that True Female continues to exist, waiting for liberation.

At the subliminal level both the A and B FEMALE FACTORS also continue to exist in the MALE, with the potential to allow the true close Union with the female.

The modern male then has developed a complex APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT with the female, which expressed itself in DOMINANCE, and a sense of SUPERIORITY, and single desire in union for no more than a SEXUAL UNITY.

It is this MASCULINIZATION of the MALE which has destroyed the possibility of a true union with the female and has led the female away from the natural expression of her femininity and natural vulnerability, which is not a weakness.

The female has developed an APPROACH-AVOIDANCE CONFLICT expressing itself in MANIPULATION and DECEPTION on one hand and a DESIRE for SENSUAL UNION on the other. 

This double Approach-Avoidance Conflict is the unfortunate unnatural condition of the male-female relationship at the moment.

There are those, although they are few, who manage to break through this barrier. The rest delude themselves with concepts of Love and Mundane Attraction based upon popular ideas and the false ideas generated by communication media.

These are baed upon  DEBILITY and DESIRE, not on the Natural Processes.


If there is to be a NATURAL INTERACTION between male and female the female must release herself from the IDENTITIES, and so must the male. But the male has a greater task. It is to also develop and release the Female Factor within himself, which is masked by male norms and a macho society, particularly the components of SENSITIVITY and SENSUALITY.

What great MASCULINE resistance there will be to this idea. The MALE must become FEMININE. Gay? Homosexual? No.

What is called for is a return to the NATURAL EXPRESSION of his Feminine Principle, which has Masculine Expression. 

Until this occurs, there can be no real UNITY in an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP, and his EXPRESSION as an empty MALE will be cold, dangerous, and antagonistic to all that is natural. 

This does not mean that the MALE should go out and start FALSELY ACTING with a false sensitivity in his interactions with his partner or in society. 

It means that he must set aside the IDENTITIES and permit the release of the FEMININE FACTOR. This is extraordinarily difficult, and it will in great part be the function of the FEMALE in the relationship to be the INITIATOR and GUIDE. 

Male DOMINANCE must be set aside within the reltionship; the FEMALE must become the centre of the INTERACTION, but she must not assume DOMINANCE either.

We cannot discuss this complex subject in great detail here, but it is imperative that you get the idea so that you can see a better path. 

We will develop this important topic a little so that you can more clearly see the problem.

                                               FEMALE COMPLETION

In order to bring the female into a state of completion, the female components of the male, expressed in MALENESS, are necessary. This means that they must be aroused in the NATURAL INTERACTION. 

Similarly, an UNDERSTANDING of the masculine interpretation of the FEMALE FACTOR must be awakened in the female for the completion of that part of the relationship. 

There then exists in the range of B FACTORS between FEMALE and MALE, a YIN and YANG relationship. 

In society, this relationship does not exist in its natural form. As a result of this breakdown, some FEMALES have come together, matching their NATURAL SENSITIVITY and SENSUALITY in attempt to heighten their FEMININITY. 

They have taken a different step from their sisters. 

They REJECT the developed aggressive SEXUAL MASCULINITY of the modern MALE, while their sisters enter into the SEXUAL role playing, which requires a debilitating life of personal deception and SUFFERING. 

This HOMOSEXUALITY, although sensitive and sensual, fails, however, to satisfy the development and experiences of the B FACTOR FEMININITY which requires the paradoxical CATALYST of YANG MALE FEMININITY.

Males too have come together in HOMOSEXUALITY. The form is distinct.

Attracted by mutual SENSITIVITY and SENSUALITY, they reject the MASCULINITY of the MALE B FACTORS, but enter into a mutual SEXUAL UNION.

                                                    THE B FACTOR 

What are those B FACTOR male and female components? 

The YIN female component is that of DRAWING TOGETHER the two members of the partnership in close UNION, while the YANG male part is that of survival and protection of both by BINDING and CONFIRMING that UNION. 

In a general way, this female part is thought of as being CREATIVE, CARING, SOFT, and YIELDING and the masculine CONSTRUCTIVE, CARING, FIRM and UNYIELDING but MALLEABLE.

In the human species, then, it is clearly the woman that is the important and creative figure in a CORRECT RELATIONSHIP.

It is she who shapes the form of the relationship and guides the male in a gentle and sensitive path. If she fails to do this then the path of both will be MALE-DOMINATED.

The male part is that of responding correctly to all the cues and indications of the female. The woman draws the gentleness and sensitivity from the male. 

This is in no way a manipulative or sexist role. 

When the male accepts this role and allows male strength and dominance to fall away, he is then in the position of being BENEVOLENT. 

When the female shapes and moulds the male femininity with her own she is being BENEVOLENT. 

It is a mistaken idea to conceive of the RELATIONSHIP as a strictly MALE-FEMALE linkage. It is actually much more subtle and beautiful. 

Just as the male provides the catalyst for the generation of a new living creature in reproduction, his masculinity provides the catalyst for the SOLIDITY and SECURITY of the mental union in all the everyday events which bring a couple together. 

The female, on the other hand, moulds the SENSORY elements and provides the COMFORT of the UNION. It becomes then a complete UNION with freedom of expression and equality, in which BELONGING is generated by both members of any INTERACTION. 

If the female fails in her NATURAL creative role then the RELATIONSHIP fails. 

If the male fails in his responsive role then the RELATIONSHIP fails. 

In the social role-playing, which actually exists in RELATIONSHIPS today, the situation has been completely reversed. It the male who is expected to court and win the female in the first place and dominate the relationship in everyday life. 

The result is that the relationship becomes cold and unnourished. It is the male who orchestrates the relationship. 

The old traditional role of the woman as a manipulator behind the dominant male is UNNATURAL and totally against the nurture of a CORRECT RELATIONSHIP. 

The rejection of TRUE FEMININITY is, however, a grave fault. 

The problem is where can one find a NATURAL BEHAVING MAN willing to present himself as the BENEVOLENT non-controlling member of the UNION, and where can one find a NATURAL BEHAVING WOMAN who will allow NATURAL FEMININITY to mould a CORRECT INTERACTION? 

Do not make the mistake of believing that this femininity is SUBMISSION. To the contrary, it is the subtle expression of VULNERABILITY that is backed by a natural resistance and vigor against that vulnerability which is natural and not in any way masculine in its expression.

                                  WHERE ARE THESE NATURAL ATTRIBUTES?

The answer is, everywhere within each person, but they are completely hidden beneath the surface of the IDENTITIES, away from SOCIETY and its NORMS.

How can it be awakened and brought to the surface?


Alright, this may all be clear, but a pairing of any random couple does not engender a CORRECT UNION.

Likewise it is false to believe that there exists some predetermined plan in which there is one woman for every man.

How can you recognize a CORRECT partner for INTERACTION? Certainly not with the IDENTITIES. Certainly not with the EXPERIENCES of BEING in LOVE. 

It arises from the refined sensibility and a natural response to the basic nature of each creature. If there is a MATCHING of the Buddha Natures then that is one point of reference, but the essential factor is the MATCHING of FEMININE and MASCULINE COMPONENTS within each INTERACTION. 

This cannot be accomplished by INTELLECT. 

It is performed by attention to all the available signals transmitted by each person. 

The grave problem is that these signals in most of the population are unrecognizable, because the IDENTITIES superimpose their own signals over them. 

A NATURAL MELD has been replaced by what has been called "Chemistry" or "Animal Magnetism". Sex appeal and not Naturalness is the vibration attended to, and the FALSE INTERACTION, exciting though it may appear to be, becomes a trophy which the winners can carry away.

There is indeed, a NATURAL "chemistry" which can alert two people to the desirability of a UNION, but it is fully BENEVOLENT. 

It is a seeking of a COMPLETE UNION in GIVING and RECEIVING. 

At its best, even in this crowded world, such potentially natural interactions are difficult to ENCOUNTER, more difficult to SECURE, and even more difficult to SEE, even when they may be available. 

There is so much fear of between men and women that only brutal, IDENTITY-related, SEXUAL attraction can overcome the barriers. 

The results are clear to see. Interactions are almost completely void of both beauty and benevolence. 

                                                      What can be done? 

                                    Open the doors to your own sensitivity. 

It is a risk for your delicate IDENTITIES, but really no risk at all for the person's TRUE and CORRECT NATURE, which can never be defiled. 

The secret remains clear. 

ACT without IDENTITY ATTACHMENT and with COMPLETE EQUANIMITY, drawing, of course, upon your Buddha Nature Hearts and as much WISDOM as you can muster. 

If you make a true match (and  neither Identity nor society are good judges), don't discard it from fear. 

If it really is not a match then let it go. Don't allow yourself to be bound by the conventions of society, if WISDOM is in conflict with those norms. 

         Don't permit, of course, the IDENTITIES to pose as WISDOM. 

If the IDENTITIES select, as is normally the case, then most alliances, be they short or long, will be destructive disasters. 

One hint may be useful. 

Women should rely, if they are not yet free, upon their INTELLECT, and men upon their SENSITIVITY and INTUITION, both naturally devoid of IDENTITY attachment. 

This breaks the normal habits in which women use SENSITIVITY and INTUITION, contaminated by CARES and ANXIETIES, and in which men use INTELLECT, contaminated by learned EGOCENTRIC socially induced sex-oriented norms. 

What are the factors of a CORRECT MELD? 

It is a complicated matter, which depends upon the members of each INTERACTION, but it is certain that INTIMATE INTERACTIONS of BELONGING, and of generating a CORRECT and NATURAL UNION are one of the most beautiful, rewarding, and growth-fulfilling ACTIONS which the apparent human creature can indulge in. 

It also brings the human creature to the pinnacle of being truly human and binds together all the facets of character and attributes.