So now you know, at least intellectually that there are two truths (both illusions) that together form one Truth that is also illusion. 

What benefit is that in learning how to live?

If you truly understand, then the first advantage is that you automatically reject a craving or a desire for EXISTENCE.

In other words, knowing that phenomena are not real, knowing the second truth, reduces the possibility of clinging to phenomena and craving them. 

Similarly, knowing that the Illusions of this life generated by the senses are integrated as a whole, with the clear understanding that the Illusions are inventions of the mind and that in and of themselves are positive events, reduces the possibility of clinging to the esoteric idea of NO-EXISTENCE.

You may have gathered then that believing in Existence and Non-Existence, even though both are illusions, is correct if they are balanced as one truth.

But there exists one problem.

If the belief in the Existence of Illusions is stained by Identity then that clinging and craving actually generates a stained EXISTENCE, which we can call Stained Samsara.

But this illusion of the whole, being both the illusion of EXISTENCE and the illusion of NON-EXISTENCE, when it is profound and deeper than a mere  cognitive idea, allows the stains of Samsara to disappear in a manner that one can walk within the external world of Stained Samsara without being stained.

The Samsara that is the correct and natural illusion of Existence stems from Non-Existence and the ILLUSORY Existence also brings into being, just by its illusory presence, the Non-Existence. 

                                              They are inseparable.


We have spoken of the Illusory illusion of Existence that is stained. To differentiate it we must term it Stained Existence or Stained Samsara.

But be very clear that the Natural Illusory Existence of Samsara is not the Stained Samsara which the "Me and Mine" creates, that is also an illusion.

Immediately once the Identity and the activity of Id, Ego, and Super Ego are generated, then both of the Two Truths are no longer present as a useful illusion of the liberated mind.

This stained Samsara generates much Suffering and seekers after liberation from this Suffering that still crave and cling within their Stained Samsara actually generate in their minds a Stained Non-Existence.   

We can declare clearly then that the Clinging and Craving of Mara and his Daughters generate a stained Samsara, which most in this world of sorrow cling to, and the presence of suffering in some generates the delusion of a liberation which is Stained Non-Existence.

The clinging to the Stained Non-Existence is one of the great errors of the Dharma Path. It is an error which Nagarjuna clearly warned everyone of.

Now with just a little practice and teachings it is quite easy to recognize if you or others are in any way clinging to Stained Samsara, Stained Existence, but recognizing those clinging to Stained Non-Existence is quite difficult.


We are not speaking here of the thousands of manipulators that use the Dharma for their own ends, either as a boost to their flawed Identity or as a means to acquire a life as a commercial leech.

We are speaking of those who really believe that they know when actually they have just a small flawed portion of the Truth of Buddha Dharma.

There is an old proverb which says, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

That is especially true when it comes to speaking or teaching Dharma.

All that we can say is to be vigilant and watch for those who have a little knowlege and still use Dharma words like "the void", "emptiness", and 

a thousand and one phrases which they have heard or read and grasp only with their minds.