Now Use the Bodhisattva Illusion

Once you have killed off the Bodhisattva you are free to actually use the Bodhisattva Illusion. That is to say, maintain the ideals of compassion correctly, but reject all personification or the false ideas connected with personal liberation. 

That means that you will have to understand why the Bodhisattva Illusion is a fine tool. That means taking off the Bodhisattva mask.

First of all, one must understand that the "wish to end all human suffering" (for other animals, suffering is physical pain, not the mental anguish associated with identity) can only exist if there exists Suffering.

Now suffering is generated by the mind when there the subliminal Identity complexes have either not received the fruits they expect or have a fear of losing the fruit they believe is in their possession.

Compassion then in and of itself has nothing to do with being benevolent in the sense of "giving," which generally only temporarily stops the craving of the recipient.

It is Benevolent Affect which is the internal force that generates True Giving.

One cannot then "give Compassion."

What one can do, however, is GIVE with Benevolent Affect while maintaining Compassion. So what effect does that have?

Because it is other-directed, what it does is limit the internal Identity state which colors the correct gifts which may be given... Identity colors these gifts with the aura of negative Identity energy, so that the giving becomes at best "hedonistic."


Bathing the world with compassion in meditation is a wonderful thing to do, but make no mistake about it: except for a limited radiance around your own body, this projection of Compassion for the world brings no benefit at all to the world.

Furthermore, if you actually believe that "you" are benefiting all sentient creatures with this meditation, you are not even gathering the most minimal merit for yourself.

You will be conditioning even more your personal foolish belief in the existence of yourself as a sentient creature separate from all other living things and the world that supports life.

The true function of generating this meditation of bathing the world with Compassion is twofold: 

First, to reduce the power of your own Identity involvement in life.

Second, to increase the true sense that there is no individual existence, but a "Unity" of all things.