The Song of Savari: Ordinary Mind

Ordinary Mind consists of natural simplicity.

Do not distort it through intellectual construction.

For the pure nature of mind needs no modulation.

Let the mind be in its natural state

with no attempt at grasping or releasing it.

Having discovered the intrinsic nature of ordinary

Mind, the meditator remains aware of it without

getting distracted, and at the same time maintains

unmodulated whatever immediate mode of mind

or thought arises.

In the discipline of quiescent Mahamudra

there is nothing to meditate on, not even an atom.

Do not meditate,

for the perfect meditation

is to remain inseparable

from the state of non-meditation.


Puesto que la mente ordinaria es la simplicidad natural,

no la manipules con elaboraciones conceptuales.

La pura naturaleza de la mente no necesita cambio alguno.

Permite, pues, que la mente permanezca en su estado natural

sin tratar de adherirte a ella ni de trascenderla.

Una vez descubre la naturaleza intrínseca de la mente corriente,

el meditador permanece consciente de ella sin distraerse,

y al mismo tiempo mantiene sin modular cualquier modo inmediato

de la mente o del pensamiento que surja.