The Diamond Sutra: X

Resisting the temptation to dwell upon the attributes and apparent wonder of a Buddha existence, one can see the progression from the previous sections from the necessity of being constantly aware of the emptiness of the "I" Identity concept, the actions of that person, and now the emptiness of the fruits of the action, using as an example even the apparent fruits of Buddha himself.

This being so, how much clearer it is that the fruits of all actions are empty, whether positive or negative. There being clearly neither fruit nor no-fruit, only the natural experience can be considered as valid beyond words sufficiently refined to capture that experience.



Buddha said (to) Subbhuti: out of thought say? Did not the Tathagata, formerly present with Rándēng (Dipamkara) Buddha, actually acquire  Dharma teachings?



World Honored One! The Tathagata formerly present with Randeng Buddha did not actually acquire  the Dharma teaching fruit.

"Lamp bearer" 然灯佛 (Rándēng Fo, Light Burning Buddha)


Subhuti! out of thought say? do the Bodhisattvas not (bring) dignity and reverence to the Buddha Domain?


No World Honored One! What is the reason? the dignity and reverence of the Buddha Domain is not dignity and reverence, for dignity and reverence are names

Here in many texts "dignity and reverence" is translated as "sublime" and by most others as "adornment" although that concept is not supported except for the presence of the characters in the short title "Huayan" (華嚴) of what is called the Flower Adornment or Garland Sutra

        Since there is no fruit, they cannot indeed bring anything on the basis of their action of being a Bodhisattva.



(This) is the reason Subhuti (that) all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas thus respond, and being born purified of defiling illusion, should not reside in appearance, given birth in mind.

Not complying with dwelling in appearance given birth in the mind. Not complying with dwelling in sound, fragrance, smell and touch, Dharma teachings are born in the mind,

Dharma teachings (of) mind, should not actually dwell (anywhere) and so give birth his mind is not complying with dwelling in the appearances born in the mind.

                                        End of Section X