If we imagine now that you actualy got off the pot, what I'm going to do now is yell at you and say "Stop it!!!"

It's all very fine telling you to "Stop it," but the question is, what the hell is it that one has to stop?

Since we're talking about meditation, the obvious thing we have to stop is anything at all that is going to interfere with this meditation.

So what interferes with your meditation?

The constant blabber of your inner Identity voice.

What does it keep trying to say?

Anything that will direct your attention away from the real task, which is meditating.

"This is too difficult"... "There must be better ways of doing this"... "How boring"... "There's other more important things I have to do"... "If I do this, it's taking time away from my family"... "I just don't feel like doing it", etc., etc.

Stop it!!!

The reply is, "I can't."

And the question is, "Why can't you?"

And when you're giving the reason, I yell "Stop it!!!"

Now what this really means is that you do have the capacity to stop it. You can stop whatever it is that interferes with your correct and natural meditation. The problem is, do you really want to do correct and natural meditation, or will any old meditation do that satisfies your putrified mind that is still hung up about being on the pot?

"On the pot," you say, "it wasn't so bad. I could read... I could think... and I didn't really have to look in the mirror."

Ok, if you don't want to do meditation, Stop it!

Now I'd like you to have a look at this short videoclip:


Now, if you want to really get to the root of these excuses, then I will tell you that it is because you want it to be easy.

You have been brainfed since you first popped out of your mother's womb, protesting at being in the world (which is probably the only thing you have done right since you were born) to want everything easy.

Meditation is not easy, my friend, and it is definitely not shallow.

So if you think it's easy and want to try it because it's easy...