What exactly is a BLIND DHARMA solution? Well, it is a solution that, 

as far as Society is concerned, is correct and fits into its globalized system or 

suits the moral structure that has been built over centuries. They are much 

easier answers than Dharma, but of course, they are really blind to the

real qualities of the human creature and his or her potential.

Few people believe in the figures of Pan and Echo, but in a thousand and one disguises they are around us every day.  They are all over this beautiful planet. Pan is disgused as soldier, sailor, tinker, taylor, beggerman and thief.

He sits in high places as politician and priest. He sits in low places as labourer and factory worker. He has many faces, but he is Pan. 

Echo, a nymph who was a great singer and dancer and scorned the love of any man, is also disguised well and the beauty of all women hides her fear and her thoughts. She may be doctor, lawyer, wife or mother, in favour of women’s liberation or not, but she is out there, perhaps passing you this very moment. There are still others, hundreds of thousands, in a thousand ethnic guises, in faraway cultures, rich and poor, third-world of privileged, who are imbued with the spirit of Pan and Echo and do not know it. But occasionally, when least expected, their actions and words speak for themselves.

Intelligence and Sensitivity: The first advice from Echo to men.

The very first thing that you must do if you are a male human creature is realize that you are completely unintelligent.

Is there a man who does not think that he is intelligent?  

You may be working as a sweeper in a Greyhound bus station or as a dishwasher in a cheap hamburger joint, but you think without doubt that you are intelligent.

You may have flunked out of high school and then, viewing all those grad students, will tell yourself that it is “experience” that counts, and that you are intelligent.

Do you know that more than 90% of men place themselves in the top 10 %? But what is even worse than that is that you actually believe that you are more intelligent than almost EVERY other man you meet, including your boss, any politician, and certainly the president of the United States.

You may allow that one or two are intelligent like yourself, and noble, like Fidel Castro and perhaps Che Guevara, but the likes of Bill Gates at one end of the scale and Einstein at the other only had opportunities that you lacked.

You are also sure that your intelligence is subtle, that you can see things that others cannot. It makes no difference if your math is no better than fourth grade or that your English is devoid of syntax, for you believe that you always have a way of making yourself understood.

If it were only these things then you would escape your greatest defeats, but unfortunately although you don’t give a damn what men think of your intelligence, for they are after all only idiots. 

You believe that all women are able to see this intelligence. It is not that you believe that women are astute. To the contrary you are sure that basically they are unintelligent.  

                   Sure you know that they can use words and wiles. 

                         They have cunning, but intelligence no.  

Yet, you have such confidence in your own intelligence that you  believe that you can handle almost every problem -except women.

You  say often with great apparent wisdom that women are more intelligent than men, but that you do not really believe. What you mean is that they always get their way in the end, because they are manipulative, smarter, cunning and trickier than you are.

But you allow that they are responsible. You don’t want or need to be responsible. That is certain. 

You learned that in every level of your early school life. Boys could get away with laziness and irresponsibility and accept a punishment and thus be off the hook. But the girls were a different story; they all had to be sugar and spice and show responsibility.

As a result you think that they were so busy being responsible that they never learned anything really important.

What is more, you believe that women groove on any male who has at least a moderate “look” if he was intelligent. 

The problem is this poorly endowed creature called man, creatures like you, are constantly deluding themselves on every count. You are not intelligent at all.

Descartes did not say, “I think, therefore I am intelligent”.  He said “I think, therefore I am.”

Descartes simply meant that he believes that he exists but he did not say that existing is intelligence. 

Oh, women will let you believe that you are intelligent. They are not lying. They are reflecting your own auto-deception and they will avoid confrontations that pit their intelligence against your own. Do you really believe that she does not spot  our un-substantiated opinions and that she doesn’t know any better than to give you token and flimsy arguments and foolish reasoning.  

She may, if you play a good game, even be induced into believing that you are intelligent for a moment, but she will know that your intelligence is not superior to her own and indeed not even to any woman's. 

She is correct, of course, for her wisdom is the wisdom of knowing life and how it all works. Yours is just mundane knowing. 

But with your intelligence you can do things, like fix a lamp or the kitchen sink, glue two pieces of wood together and find out where a leak is in the roof. You believe that all she can do is put the bucket under, but only you can find the leak.

Despite the fact that each man is either a scarecrow looking for a brain, a lion looking for courage or a tin man who periodically gums up for lack of oil, he will see any Alice as a frail little girl who needs help to find her way upon the yellow, brown or burgundy brick road, although it only goes one way. 

He will declare that behind every successful man there is a woman; then he will add, with a grin, pushing and pulling. 

He is right of course, for he hasn’t the slightest idea of the why, what or when of anything that is really important. 

He will know that the best chess players are men, that all women doctors are in geriatrics or pediatrics, that there aren’t many men nurses and that they are gay. He will know that most elementary teachers are women, that they have the jobs that men can easily do and that pilots in the airlines are all men. 

                   He will work that out of course with his intelligence.

Everyone can confirm that females do better than males in elementary and high schools where reading and the use of words is important, but that gradually males gain ground until they are ahead of women in the higher reaches of the academic world where the abstract mind is required. 

It is borne out clearly by scientific studies that demonstrate that women are superior in words and men in abstraction. No doubt evolution has generated this difference, probably as a result of the primitive conditions which required an abstract sense of time and space for hunters and warriors, having a good time in the open air walking about with nature while women were at home really working.


Wait a minute.  I can point out that all the great musicians, writers, painters scientist, explorers and leaders of the world are all men.


Yes, but man realizes that he isn’t one of them yet acts clearly as if he could be.

Women know that the last thing the world needs is cognitive intelligence to be great what you need is sensitivity. 

These rare men have it.


Sure, somebody said,  down there:

 “It is men who push forward the boundaries of science, music, technology and art. It is men who build great cities and great religions. It is men who tinker well into the night, studying and prising apart the boundaries of even the most obscure and intractable."


Well I know one man who spent six years studying locust legs. “Now that is intelligence! In fact, I knew a male scientist who gained grants for studying why pigeons always seem to peck twice and not once and another male group who studied extrasensory perception in cockroaches. Now that is intelligence!"

A woman, Camille Paglia, said that, "If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still all be living in grass huts."  She is right, of course, although it cannot be said with certainly whether living in grass huts is less sane and healthy than living in a cement jungle.

It appears indeed that men are then really more intelligent, but when you look closer we must ask if the advance of mankind is really the product of real intelligence. The truth may hurt. Indeed, looking at the situation clearly the first thing that man has to do is to realize that he is not intelligent. 

Real intelligence has nothing whatsoever to do with what men do with their abstract mind. That does not mean that he has to admit that women are intelligent, but men really must come to grips with the fact that all ideas of intelligence are illusion and that he really has no idea why he acts like he does, thinks like he does or puts himself always under the spell of women.

It may boost your self-pride to know that men have more than six times the amount of grey matter in the brain than women. Yes, almost six times. But before women reading this get their tail in a knot let us declare that it is also the truth that women have approximately ten times the amount of white matter than men.  

What does that white matter do? It integrates and brings together all that abstract data that the grey matter has managed to collect. In other words, you my intelligent friend can generate all those wonderful ideas, but when it comes to using them you remain tangled in the brambles while women are enjoying the blackberries with a fine layer of natural cream. 

What’s the result? I know what you believe.



When you want to discover with your male magnificent abstract intelligence how to get a little white ball into a hole in the ground with a seven iron, she wants you to discover how to fix a small insignificant drip in the bathroom tap. Of course, you believe she can’t do that. 

And so it goes on and on. Of course the insignificant drip gets fixed or you have to call a plumber, which means money. The problem is that if you don’t get it fixed immediately you will hear about the problem until it is fixed. 

And furthermore if you don’t fix it soon, you will be reminded that you didn’t do it immediately for the next ten years punctually whenever there is another crisis.

And more, when you with great effort manage to remember your anniversary or other obscure date that would probably be better off forgotten and bring her home a new toaster because she is always complaining about the old one which it is difficult to get the crumbs out of, she smiles and kisses you, but you know you have done something wrong. 

Now you have to find out what it is be punished for a week or two. All this because of white and grey differences.


I’m sorry my friend you are not intelligent and the first step is to understand that.

Advice from Pan. Sensitivity

Bull. The first thing that you have to do is realize fully that she is not sensitive. I know that you have bought the myth. It was easy to establish thousands of years ago and reinforce today.  All that had to be done was repeatedly tell you that you are not sensitive. 

By default then the accuser is sensitive. You have learned too that crying is sensitive, having hurt feelings is sensitive, and picking wild flowers is sensitive. In fact it seems that anything that you don’t do is sensitive. 

Gays are sensitive but you no. 

The defence naturally is that you are a man. 

Wise up. It is you who are sensitive and the woman is not so sensitive as you might imagine. She makes the great mistake of mixing sensitivity with ideas of Compassion. Sure, her ideas are mundane and she will shell out for any sob story, but you are the one that has the whole picture. 

The problem is not that one specific person is abused or than one specific person is hungry or that one specific person is destitute and poor.  

For you the problem is much more complex and you can see that the problem is the idea of Equality and Justice. Equality for her means that woman are equal to men. Justice for her is that there is equal pay for equal work. 

It is for her really a case of Animal Farm, where “all people are equal except women who are more equal.” And if you can’t see that then you are insensitive.

But Compassion, that is real compassion has nothing to do with sensitivity at all and it is not mental either. Compassion is a natural attribute of every human creature, but it will come as no surprise that the natural compassion of women is not the same as the Natural compassion of men.

So if Sensitivity  is not Compassion then what is it?   

It is touching and experiencing only that touch without the discriminations and mind folly, foolish thoughts, creeping in. 

It is smelling an aroma without the discriminations and mind folly interfering. It is hearing without anything entering to disturb the pure sound. It is tasting without grooving on what induces the taste. It is absorbing and attending to the pure sensation fully. That is sensitivity.

The woman will add a thousand words to every sensation and each sensation will either be interpreted into “I love it… I want it” or “I loathe it... I don’t want it.” 

Brother, you don’t have all those words to chain to the sensations that are sensitivity. So in defence, what do you do? 

You feign an intelligent indifference. That is your error. If you let it be, then you will be able to more easily encounter that pure sensation than most women.

Actually, she knows that so she turns the word sensitivity into something else. 

If you look at a newborn child and find it ugly, then you have no sensitivity.  

If you go to an opera dutifully and you can’t understand all those German or Italian words and you think that the leading lady is too plump and ugly and you can’t see why the hero even gives her a second glance, then you have no sensitivity. 

So what do you do? You say nothing. 

But that too is being insensitive.

If you don’t ask what sort of a day she has had then that is insensitive and if you don’t at least look as if you are interested when she is prattling on then that is insensitive. 

But worst of all is the fact that you don’t tell her or show her that you love her.

Now that is not only insensitive but it is unforgivable, for that means that you don’t love her any more, which is probably true. Actually, it is absolutely true, because love does not exist. Infatuation exists, longing exists, possession exists, domination exists, sex even exists but love no.  

At least that is what it seems like to you. The real truth is that none of these things really exist, they are inventions of the mind. But that doesn’t get you off the “no sensitivity” hook.

Where is her sensitivity that is so precious? Can she touch the fine grain of a piece of wood and really feel it. Can she let the cool liquid taste of that first beer on sliding down your gullet touch you. Can she smell the fragrance of the scent of the young Chick that just passed by. Can she listen to the sound of a finely tuned Harley Davidson and feel the subtlety of the Vibrations. Can she see a the wind blowing a flag and sense that movement inside.  

No, she can’t without adding words, ideas and conclusions.  But you can. 

You can actually do all those things without thoughts entering in, except perhaps after experiencing the fragrance of the young Chick that passed by. 

You see that is true sensitivity. It is experiencing the pure sensation without emotions or the thoughts of the mind creeping in. All that other balderdash is not sensitivity, it is emotional smoke that stems from some smouldering coals inside her that is unsatisfied with everything.


So where does that leave us. Men are not as intelligent as they believe and it is women who have natural intelligence, which is an understanding of the Essence of Life. She is then deep inside much more profoundly than her conscious mind can grasp more aware of the value of life than men. That is true intelligence.

Yet they do not understand the great value of that intelligence. Instead they grasp to an intelligence which has no more than social value and use words to bind themselves into their narrow social coffin, while crying out for a freedom they already have.

The problem you see is in the word concepts. True intelligence is not cognitive and true sensitivity is not emotion. Women who believe that they are sensitive are not really so at all. It is men who are much more sensitive than women in the true sense. 

It is the male who understands, also at a level beyond his own paltry limitations, the unity of all things and true undifferentiated compassion. How strange it is that each is blind to the other's strength and assumes for his or her apparent self that which they do not possess. 

As long as that continues, relationships will never be natural.