山见   Shan-jiàn   冷煖自知 Chan and Dao

What we propose here is not a replacement for the plethora of traditional patches of alternative treatments for suffering which pervades the market place, nor the traditional psychology of psychoanalysis and such, but the application of Dharma knowledge which taps the roots at a much deeper level than that which is called psychological treatment.

First we must state clearly that there can be no treatment, for that is just a name, for there is really no psychological illness, for that too is just a name.

There can be also then no such thing as a patient and no therapist.

There is then only a Dharma to be shared and transmitted between those who believe that they suffer and those who have experienced the path and the liberation from that false idea, for there is no suffering. That too is only a name.

We touch much deeper then to the raw experiences of that false suffering.

We don't give a damn about psychological theories or a substantiation of methodology. We don't require a special name to promote that which requires no promotion. It is simply the liberation of the Dharma experiences Directly for whoever is under the illusion that they suffer, without the certain knowledge that it is indeed illusion.

We are not interested here in transmitting spiritual experiences or a path to aa awakening that has no fruit whatsoever except the raw experience of a newborn child.

Psychology is termed my many the "science of mental life," but frankly I have no idea at all what that really means. Better was the old definition which was "the study of human behaviour," which includes of course the physiological and mental substrate.

To be continued with the sharing of the means by which the Dharma experiences can liberate both mind and body from folly.