Let us begin by considering the illusion which we call pure consciousness. We call it an illusion because it is produced by the unknown mind itself and it is pure when there is no Identity contamination, in which state the natural system prevails. Clearly this consciousness is not independent of apparent conditions with respect to external irritation (reception at the five sense doors: Defensive Qi and by the Internal Qi sense door of thought, which is activated when Cognition sends information to Consciousness).

Consciousness evolved and continues to evolve on the basis of EVOLUTION, which provides the necessary conditions. Cognition with Consciousness as one important tool possesses an energy which is reactive.

We can speak of nine different applications of consciousness, one of which generates a staining of the system, but here we speak of a different division of consciousness into the traditional Abhidharma groups.


SENSE DOOR Consciousness (Dvardvajjana), which is the consciousness of the operation of the sense doors themselves.

SENSE Consciouness (Panca Vinnana), which is the actual sensing (not the content of sensing).

RECEIVING Consciousness (Sampaticchana), which we call the RECOGNITION CONSCIOUSNESS, SENSATION or CONTACT, determining whether the irritation is new of previously detected.

INVESTIGATING Consciousness (Santirana), which we call RECALL CONSCIOUSNESS or DISCRIMINATION, generating approach, avoidance or neutrality, which is accompanied in the natural state by experiences of Affect, Disaffect and Equanimity. In stained states these are transformed into experiences of like, dislike and indifference.

DETERMINING Consciousness (Vatthapanna), which is Perceptual and involves a SELF CONCIOUSNESS without Identity that generates naming, which then has access to Memory.

Registering Consciousness (Tadalambana), which is the final COGNITIVE consciousness of Volition or Intentions. Previously to this consciousness there is IMPULSION, which involves the judgment and manipulations of Cognition. This impulsion is in its greatest part UNCONSCIOUS.



CONSCIOUSNESS thus provides a base from which the IRRITATING CONDITION can be manipulated and formed in a manner that changes the internal environment of the pertinent CONSCIOUSNESS.

In the Determining Consciousness the apparent illusion of True Self can be converted into debilitating SELFHOOD (Identity) favoring the self but not the nature of the evolved consciousness, whose only principal reaction is correct and natural Survival.

This CONTAMINATION is reversible. Vipassana (Reflection and Absorption) provides an elimination of all the behavioral contamination, while Chan Contemplation and like systems provide an elimination of the contaminating conditions.

When all CONDITIONS are eliminated, CONSCIOUSNESS eventually ceases.



First let us make it quite clear that CONSCIOUSNESS cannot reproduce itself.

On death of all CONDITIONS, CONSCIOUSNESS ceases and returns as released ENERGY to a reactive condition, leaving the Body.

This ENERGY with new RECEPTIVE ASSOCIATIONS may be generated, coming to fruition only within a human condition. 

This occurs because both CONSCIOUSNESS and CONDITIONS are engendered from the same energy base and thus there can be a transformation from one to another by dissolution and reformation.

This CONSCIOUSNESS with its new reactive condition slowly changes.

But be sure that you understand:

Prior Consciousness is not reproduced.

Growth is not the growth contained by memory.

There is no knowledge of previous forms or itself. 

It is a new reactive knowledge.

It carries no knowledge of its prior condition.


This reactive knowledge has the Homeostatic Potential for the rejection of all CONTAMINATION. This we call PRIMORDIAL WISDOM. 

If this consciousness is attached to a new CONDITION (Human Birth) that CONDITION is then in a state of innoculation against any damaging SELFHOOD activity, but is complete with the inherited right-brain SELF OBSERVING WITHOUT IDENTITY.

This state of INNOCULATION we call the presence of TRANSCENDENTAL WISDOM.

If, however, the transformed energy has a potential for attachment to Identity then the inherited characteristics of the human creature as Confusion-dominant, Acquisition- dominant, Aversion-dominant or Future Fixation-dominant will develop.

It MAY, in this new state of Identity Dominance, be attracted to unsuitable CONDITIONS.   

Infinite energy disposable for MATTER, which can in certain states reproduce itself, becomes the CONDITIONS FOR SURVIVAL.