Lesson 7     Part 2




We have said that the Common Compassion is developed upon the Dharma Path and it generates a happiness which is common, which is present when there is a clear confidence that others can be freed from suffering. Thus True Compassion when it is produced is free from any vestige of suffering.


But where does it arise? We said it arises from a comparator system that accepts a Noble Intention.


Do you remember that we clearly stated?





It is natural when thinking of compassion with a social bias for Popular Compassion to think that natural compassion only arises when one perceives suffering or pain in others, but that is not correct.




That too is very important to understand.


It seems ridiculous, does it not, that the Intention to Read a book should generate Natural Compassion for others or, to carry the apparent absurdity further, that one's Intention to simply look at a rising moon should generate Natural Compassion. We think it ridiculous because we do not see the roots of all Compassion.

We possess a Life Force and it is the natural function of that Life Force to perpetuate apparent being. Its impulse is threefold:


We fail on all three counts, but that is not central to our discussion. In order to bring about these three effectively, the human creature has developed a tribal nature... That is easy to understand, but it is not easy to accept that there is interdependence between al the members of the human tribe, which is now extended to absurd limits. But the system today knows little about this important data base and the Identities wish to keep everything antagonistic to their interests hidden. Thus everything that we believe, think and do has as its basic reference the good and the survival of the tribe and the apparent individuals within it. The natural system does not then have only individual survival as its base.

It is natural for the human creature to survive, but when necessary to sacrifice him or herself for the tribe. Certainly this is not a popular notion and conflicts with our sense of individual importance.

Everything that the human creature does when there is no Identity has all other creatures as a natural reference and compassion is experienced when correct intentions are sent to our “Buddha Nature Encyclopaedia for evaluation and approval.”

You can perhaps see then why simply eating correctly evokes compassion for all sentient creatures quite naturally and the orations which declare that each thing we do for each sentient creature is really quite correct, but we are blinded by superstition and ritual and cannot see that.

Perhaps that is clear, but the question exists when we ask for example if eating in a restaurant as opposed to electing and cooking our own food generates compassion.

Yes it does, for the system as it is has no knowledge of restaurants, although the system is able to ascertain if a particular food is correct for the sustenance of mind and body, for the eventual benefit of the apparent self and all human creatures.

That seems rather a mistake of evolution, but that is not so, for the "Buddha Nature Encyclopaedia" has available a yearbook, just like encyclopaedias, in which there is constant updating. This is opened at birth and awaits new data which is correlated with the base data… if new information is in harmony with the base data then it is integrated in the "Buddha Nature Year Book."

The problem is that our BNYB has been closed and sealed for ten thousand years and the only data provided for our use is what the Identities say...

They are generally in error, though the Super Identity may sometimes declare that it is best to eat correctly at home… But this voice is not impulsed by correctness and thus, although it may coincide with what is naturally correct, it is never interested in our BNYB.

With the Awakening we have the great fortune that the seals are ripped from the yearbook and we can begin writing again.

In case you are wondering if the new yearbook material is ever written into the base data… yes it is, but under very special conditions, which we may talk about later if it appears pertinent.