Nakhasikha Sutta

At one time the Buddha, showing them some dust which he had taken upon the tip of his finger-nail, addressed the disciples thus: 'If, O Bhikkhus, these few grains of dust upon my finger-nail and all the dust in the universe were compared in quantity, which would you say was less, and which more?

The disciples replied: 'Lord, the dust on your finger-nail is less, and that of the universe is more. Surely, Lord, the dust on your finger-nail is not worthy of mention in comparison with the dust of the universe.'

Then the Buddha continued, 'Even so, Bhikkhus, those who are reborn in the abodes of men and Devas whence they have expired, are very few even as the few grains of dust on my finger-nail; and those who are reborn in the four realms of misery are exceedingly many, even as the dust of the great universe.

Again, those who have expired from the four miserable worlds and are reborn in the abodes of men and Devas are few even as the grains of dust on my finger-nail; and those who are repeatedly reborn in the four miserable worlds are innumerable, even as the grains of dust of the great universe.

Explanation in terms of Identity rebirth

What is said here must be taken very seriously by anyone intent on taking the Vipassana path.  It is difficult, for the Identity that has stained natural behaviour is strong and its components of Greed, Confusion and Aversion are deeply conditioned within memory.

How many can attain liberation? Buda said "Few, even as the grains of dust on my finger-nail."

Why so few, for there are so many people interested and taking Vipassana courses. It is because they do not have the principal ingredient.

There can only be one manner to approach the path and that is with a clear comprehension of what the path is and the serenity, patience, determination and perseverance to travel it with the firm commitment, knowing it to be more important than any worldly commitment. Difficult indeed.