2. The Union: Physical/Mental Aspects of 六神, Liù​ shén.

Dan nang 胆囊

Shen 神, Hun 魂, Po 魄, Zhi 志, Yi

Yin y Yang


When speaking of Chinese medicine there is in the minds of many a lurking doubt that there is much superstition and folly involved in what is often presented and that modern medicine is so superior that we should dismiss the ancient Chinese ideas altogether.

It seems illogical that the spleen can influence willpower and the liver conscious motivation. How much more folly it seems that "decision-making" can be influenced by the Gall Bladder!

Yet, when we try to put all in perspective, without doubts and with scientific endeavour, we find that although there is a certain over-generalization in making the associations between the organs and the operations of the mind, there is also a level of certainty involved if we look closely.

GALL BLADDER (GB) 胆囊 Dan nang

For example, if we take the case of the Gall Bladder, which is not part of the "big Five", yet none-the-less involved in that group as a functional part, we cannot make the claim that ALL decisions are governed by this organ.

The claim that a decision to sharpen a pencil was governed by the Gall Bladder would be absurd. However, when we take a different approach and talk about the effects of Gall Bladder dysfunction upon behavior, we find that the truth is quite complicated.

The Gall Bladder bile serves to break down fat and cholesterol in foods and aids in waste elimination. When there is a dysfunction and the Gall Bladder is over-active, then we have a too great an elimination of cholesterol.

The BBC news reported in 1999 that low cholesterol levels were linked, in both men and women, to depression and anxiety. In a much more alarming report the MSNBC reported that, depressed patients with low cholesterol levels may be more likely to commit suicide. Which reflects clearly a lack of balanced decision-making.

The CNN web site also reports low cholesterol has a strong link with impulsive, aggressive behavior.

Rather then deciding that decision-making is controlled by the Gall Bladder, we can suggest that there seems to be a correlation between gall bladder dysfunction that results in low Cholesterol with a debilitating effect upon some judgments which can be accompanied by depression and anxiety.

Correct Gll Bladder Qi then stabilizes liver operation and may prevent important judgments from being incorrect through depression and anxiety.


It must be made clear that the energy we are talking is not an energy that actually performs some mental function. They are supportive energies and part of a whole gestalt model.  When a particular energy is not balanced then the whole system is affected and certain symptoms are manifested.

When we speak about the mind of Shen 神, Hun 魂, Po 魄, Zhi 志 and Yi 意 energy factors we are talking about their function as inhibitors of organ impediments and thus they assist in the maintenance of a healthy system.

Shen 神 is a right-brain element and the others are left-brain elements.

When cognitive intellect is dimmed, for example, then we suspect that among other things the Yi energy is not effectively defending the system and that energy of Yi must be returned so that it can perform its defensive task.

We can declare then that the spleen, 脾, pí​, is directly related to the DEFENSIVE YI Energy protecting the force of Cognitive intellect. Note that it does not protect the intellect, just the force which generates its optimal function.

It is not surprising to note that spleen dysfunction results in a decrease in the oxygen content of the blood/oxygen flow to the brain is essential for functioning.

Yi 意 and Zhi


In Chinese, the spleen, 脾 (), counts as the seat of one's temperament and is thought to influence the individual's willpower, and the kidney cognitive motivation. How much more ridiculous it seemed to be that the Gall Bladder integrity influenced judgement.

Well, it is admitted that the elegant and colorful language of the Chinese, and before them the Indians, does not help much.

Analogous to "venting one's spleen", "發脾氣" is used as an expression for getting angry, although in the view of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the view of "脾" does not correspond to the anatomical "spleen". "脾" is a conceptual functional group that mainly has regards to digestion which, in some scholars' opinion, corresponds to the function of the pancreas.

A malfunctioning spleen results in two main circulatory system symptoms: excessive bleeding and anemia.

Both are caused by an enlarged spleen's removal of too many red blood cells from circulating blood. The blood becomes thinner and less able to coagulate due to its lower number of platelets. Anemia, characterized by fatigue, dizziness, and headaches, develops because the oxygen content of the blood is greatly decreased.

It is this fatigue, dizziness and headaches that most diminishes the will to actually do something and the concentration necessary to perform.

This, depending upon the temperament of the person, can result in a reaction of "melancholy" if of Acquisitive temperament or "short-temperedness" if of aversive chracter.

The connection between spleen (the organ) and melancholy (of the acquisitive temperament) can be seen in the humeral medicine of the ancient Greeks. In fact, body fluid (considered one of the humours) was the black bile, secreted by the spleen and associated with melancholy.

In contrast, the Talmud refers to the functional spleen as the organ of laughter, which is not inconsistent as the antithesis of meloncholy. In the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England, women in bad humour were said to be afflicted by the  vapours of the spleen.

Similarly, the English term "splenetic" is used to describe a person in a foul mood.

THE KIDNEY (KI) 腎, and Zhi 志 Energy

Zhi 志 energy is related to the force of the will to act or cognitive motivation as opposed to the sensory will power of the spleen. It is called a vital essence.

The kidneys have two  different functions. To separate urea, mineral salts, toxins, and other waste products from the blood and to conserve water, salts, and electrolytes.

As such we can say that they have an homeostatic function, regulating acid-base balance, electrolyte extracellular fluid volume, and regulation of blood pressure concentrations.

The kidney accomplishes these homeostatic functions both independently and particularly with the endocrine system. Various endocrine hormones coordinate these endocrine functions; these include renin, angiotensin II, aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone, and atrial natriuretic peptide.

Physiologically if the renal essence is insufficient there is premature aging, a lowering of intelligence , a loss of memory and even Amnesia.

A decline in overall homeostatic balance then reduces Cognitive Motivation, whether it be natural or Identity related.

Shen 神, Hun 魂, Po 魄,



liver 肝, gān,​ Hun Energy the force of the Masculine Principle Consciousness.

el alma etérea del hígado, Hígado (LR)*:

- Administra. Tiene la función de drenaje. Atempera las actividades mentales.

- Se comunica con el Sanjiao para canalizar los conductos del agua.

- Si el hígado pierde la capacidad de canalizar, el Qi no funciona con fluidez dando origen a un ascenso rápido del Qi del Hígado, que se manifiesta en irritabilidad, insomnio y trastornos del sueño o bien deprimiendo el Qi del Hígado, cuya manifestación se traduce en melancolía, angustia, duda.

- Si la sangre no fluye debidamente o el agua no avanza, puede producir estancamiento de flema y humedad que influye en las actividades mentales.

- El hígado atesora "el alma" (HUN).

el alma corpórea de los pulmones.



lungs 肺, fèi, Po Energy the force of Cognitive Consciousness.

Lungs (LU)*:

- Controls the Defensive Qi of breathing. Ventila y purificar el aire y canaliza las vías del agua.

- El Qi: comandante de la sangre; la sangre depende del impulso del Qi. Las actividades sanguíneas no pueden separarse de la ayuda del Qi.

Los pulmones regulan la circulación del agua. Si falla su función de ventilación y de descenso, las vías del agua se obstruyen. Si pierde propulsión y descenso del agua, la flema y la humedad se estancan, ascienden y trastornan la mente, lo cual puede originar enfermedades mentales.

Los pulmones entonces atesoran el coraje, que es una fuerza de motivación.



 y la voluntad de los riñones Riñones (KI)*:

- Producen la médula. El cerebro es el mar de la médula y cavidad del Shen original, lo que guarda estrecha relación con las actividades mentales de los seres humanos.

- Si la esencia renal no es suficiente, el espíritu original no conserva lo que mantiene. Entonces hay envejecimiento prematuro, disminución de la inteligencia, falta de memoria y amnesia.

Los riñones atesoran "la esencia vital" y "la voluntad".

En el LINGSHU, capítulo "Shen Propio", se dice:

El corazón: si se mantiene tenso en permanente alerta, la angustia y la meditación dañan el Shen. Con el Shen dañado, se teme perder.

El bazo: si no se libra de la angustia daña el pensamiento. Con el pensamiento trastornado viene el caos.

El hígado: la excesiva tristeza que conmueve el JIAO medio daña el alma. Con el alma dañada se pierde la memoria.

Los pulmones: la alegría excesiva hiere la psique. Con la psique herida viene el KUANG (esquizofrenia de tipo maníaco).

Los riñones: la cólera incesante daña la voluntad. Con la voluntad dañada se olvida el pasado.

O sea, que el excesivo cambio emocional puede perjudicar a los cinco órganos. El estancamiento del Hígado que se convierte en fuego (ver insomnio, irritabilidad y depresión) es una de las etiologías de la Medicina Tradicional China que en Occidente se denominan estrés, y es la elegida en esta oportunidad para desarrollar. 


bazo(SP)*:  con la soporta del estómago.

- El estómago recibe el alimento. El bazo lo transporta y transforma.

- Estómago y bazo administran la digestión de los alimentos y bebidas.

- Asimilan, transportan y distribuyen la esencia, siendo por esto la fuente de Qi y de la sangre.

- Si el bazo pierde su función normal el Qi y la sangre pierden su función de origen y la mente queda malnutrida.

- Si el agua y la humedad se acumulan producen flema que asciende y ataca el corazón y la mente y puede originar enfermedades mentales.

- El bazo atesora "la idea", entonces la conceptualizacion más que el intelecto.


Indice de Capítulos:

8. Raíces del espíritu (ben shen).

52. Energía defensiva (wei qi).

53. Sobre el dolor (lun tong).

59. Tratamiento de la energía defensiva anormal (wei qi shi chang).

65. 5 sonidos y 5 sabores (wu yin wu wei).

69. Afonía, melancolía y ansiedad (you hui wu yan).

72. Comprensión de la naturaleza (tong tian).

73. Sentidos y funciones (guan neng).

76. Circulación de la energía defensiva (wei qi xing).

80. Sobre grandes confusiones (da huo lun).