If you choose to continue with the Path to Identity Freedom then that is the Noble Path and the human creature need go no futher if he or she wishes Freedom from Identity and the accompanying Confusion, Acquisitiveness and Aversion.

But it must be remembered that Identity itself with Duality is not destroyed. So daily meditation and Mindfulness of all attitudes, intentions and readiness to respond must be maintained.

As you continue to cultivate that NATURAL PATIENCE, without Identity management, then you cognitively introduce the observation of instances of your own annoyance, anger, aversion and like experiences... It is then that you must begin cognitively to EXAMINE THE CONSEQUENCES.

Gautama explained then what happens: COMPASSION and BENEVOLENT AFFECT are generated.

This once more impulses a reinforcement of correct ZEAL contemplations.

What one begins to notice then through the opening of the door is that one's INTENTIONS are purified and CORRECT EFFORT in the natural and correct development of ACTION is generated.

Those correct INTENTIONS and now CORRECT ACTIONS feedback within the system and automatically MEDITATIONS and CONTEMPLATIONS become finer (particularly the ZEAL Contemplations).

You can imagine the consequence: the arousal of Perfect Wisdom which must be cultivated. 

One great part of PERFECT WISDOM is the deep realization that there are indeed two truths. This serves to prevent the elementary intellectual mistake of Clinging to NON-EXISTENCE, which is as foolish as Clinging to the belief in a REAL EXISTENCE.

But now what happens when this realization is complete and is not just an intellectual appreciation, one knows how to use the ILLUSIONS which are correctly Balanced and in Harmony with the Life Force of the right hemisphere. It is effectively in this moment that CORRECT ATTITUDES are manifested and the ZEAL Contemplations, working maximally, open the way to communication with the Masculine expressions of the Life Force.