

An intelligent understanding of the Two Truths has about as much value as the hind tit of a sow. Take that idea to heart.

It is useful only for the runt of the litter.

It is not worth a damn if it cannot be internalized and converted into both internal experiences with further experiences within Stained Samsara that will eventually extract the loathsome verbal vomit of stained thoughts.

What I am saying here is that when one speaks of an apparent Truth that is illusion, whether it is of apparent Existence or Non-Existence, one must experience the actual illusion of that truth. Yes, actually experience the illusion as an experience, not simply know it intellectually to be illusion. This is not simply capturing its vacuity but going beyond that to the roots of the apparent illusion itself.

Let me express that in another way. When you see. hear, touch, smell or taste an apple you are clear that the apple is there in front of you. It is an illusion and a very strong one. It is so strong that cognition believes that it has real independent existence. But what the system actually receives is not that experience, but another much more simple one that has not yet been given reality by the application of "name" to the extracted "form".

That "form and name" becomes one Truth.

Now to balance that truth so that it can never be clung to or craved, then it is essential to generate the experience without that "form" having been given the"name" that gives it apparent substance.

That means that one must experience the very mindfulness of the experience when clear comprehension occurs. Now note that "clear comprehension" draws out the experience and nothing more and "mindfulness" opens the door to its possible application.

Let us review the chain of processes related to the eventual perception of "apple".

Starting form a state of  Repose, there is mindfulness > Alert, mindfulness > Orientation, mindfulness > Capture, mindfulness > Form, mindfulness > Name, mindfulness of "Apple", mindfulness > the Unidirectionality which allows application of the mind and its sustaining.

Each of these mindfulnesses consists of a "mind moment". Remember that this mindfulness is distinct from "mindfulness of", for it has no object. It is simply an opening of the door to raw data, in the moment before clear comprehension draws the data forward in the form of further transformed electrical impulses.

The "clear comprehension" which is important for our apparently valid perception of Non-Existence is that which occurs as mindfulness before "capture" and the "capture" itself and that capture is developed later in the series as a valid perception of existence through "mindfulness of apple".

The illusion of NON-EXISTENCE, the second Truth, can be experienced with that mindfulness and capture.

The illusion of EXISTENCE, the first Truth, is experienced with mindfulness of apple.

This double experience becomes the Illusion of two being one.

How can this second Truth experience be melded with the first truth or even experienced?

That is the important question we address in this section


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