Alaya-vijñana as the Masculine Principle

It is useful here to consider natural unstained ALAYA as having two parts, although one must remember that we are just building a model here of something which does not have real parts, being just energy.

One part we shall call the base, ASRAYA, where fruit has already ripened and the other the seedbed, ASRITA, where new seeds are planted. In both cases continual nurture is necessary.

These correspond to the old residual impressions, programmed expression of "past evolution" and "new seeds of evolution," residual impressions also, that may or may not be eventually after evolution be included in the base of this Masculine Principle expression.

What does this Alaya do with these residual impressions? They form the base for the illusions of all cognizant phenomena, all valid Life Forces and the immediate residual impressions cast upon it. As such, none of the residual impressions laid down or the Life Forces can be named.

However all, though marked by the sense consciousnesses, are without individuation, that is to say all is known but cannot be identified in any way as either one thing or another. All is undifferentiated. As such, there can be no evaluation of morality.

Although Alaya has these residual traces laid down upon it, it is not memory as such, although clearly Memory in one form of another is associated with it whether as Primordial memory traces, long-term memory traces, or in the case of the recent residual traces, perhaps short- term memory traces.

Alaya then forms a valid base acting as a comparator for received residual traces, which can be rejected as not depending upon whether there exists a natural best fit with prevailing old traces.

We can assume that the definition of the past evolved traces bears the mark of the Correct and Natural Survival Parameters of the Feminine Life Force programs and that this is used as a base for correct fit.

The constant quality of Alaya depends upon the continual nurture by Shén, that transforms the passive principles into correct expression bases and continual nurture of Zeal for the correct appearance of new residual traces, which refine the application of the Life Force programs and form the later material, through evolution for better definition of all Life Force Principles.



The Klista-manas is really the Samsara staining consciousness which lays down its own Identity-ridden residual traces within the seedbed of Alaya. This results in the mistaken perception that "I, me and mine" exists as the Alaya perception, and the Alaya Consciousness becomes accepted as Self.

Now the klista-manas is in and of itself neither virtuous nor non-virtuous, it is simply is the generator of the mistaken establishment of duality generating the apparent reality of the independent existence of all phenomena, either external or mental.

It is associated with sensation, discrimination, perception, volition (as cognition) and the stream of consciousness (attention), along with the Identity confusion (atma-moha), acquisitiveness (atma-sneha), aversion (atma-mana) and naturally the mistaken opinion about the existnce of self (atma-drsti).

Yet the actual experiences of sensation actually present with that klista-manas consciousness are neutral (upeksa) as the colored experiences of sensation, discrimination, perception and volition are generated in cognition itself and are experienced as conscious thought.

In rather strange but obvious fashion, the Klista-manas cannot exist as a process without the presence of Alaya and we can say then that the Klista-manas has Alaya as support.

Residual Impressions

The interesting question here is whether the residual traces laid down as seeds are permanent or not. Certainly we can declare that the seeds laid down in order to remain constant must be nurtured and that means reinforced in some manner or other.

This applies both to the natural direct seed and to the klista-manas seed as well.

The natural and correct traces of Alaya as seed, acting as part and parcel of the Masculine Principle are stabilized and nurtured by the activity of a strong reinforcement by its constant use as a valid comparator and weakened by the appearance and reinforcement of the traces laid down by Klista-manas.

The operation of the strong Zeal motivator weakens the Identity connection and allows the natural traces to enter the comparator of Alaya for assessment, reinforcing that association... Like other mental and physical organs, disuse generates an atrophy.

Since the function of the Life Force itself is the search for new information, the constant existence of Klista-manas results in the base of Alaya also falling into disuse. Shén is then reduced and a general atrophy of Alaya results.

Command of the system is then given over completely to Identity.

Fortunately, the system can be restored to its natural efficiency with Zeal meditations at one level and Shén contemplation at another.