

With great human vanity we may actually be talking here about embracing death and life and letting go of consciousness, but really when we come to grips with what appears to be closer to the truth we find that we really can do none of these things.

Indeed we give ourselves the characteristic as a human creature of being able to choose. We call that free determination and contrast that with conditioning, to which we are subject.

But, sad to relate, we really have no free determination at all and there is no possibility of choosing to embrace death and life or to let go of consciousness.

Is it then that we are completely conditioned to internal and apparently external events? Now that is also not certain.


In order to explain let us imagine that the multiple universes are made up of a substance/non-substance which we call "energy."

Let us also imagine that that energy consists of elementary particles which we are going to call BLOBS. Now those blobs have certain fundamental characteristics.

They cannot be destroyed or created, but can change their apparent form.

These blobs we can imagine as having the characteristic of movement in a straight line at a certain velocity, revolving in a certain direction at a certain velocity, and having a color.

When these blobs that we have imagined collide, as they must, with other blobs they respond in certain ways depending upon the nature of the collision.

They can be absorbed by the particle with which they collide or absorb that particle.

Thay can join in union with that particle or that particle can join in union with them.

Thay can change direction and velocity or pass on through with a change in velocity.

They can change rotation direction or velocity.

These consequences depend completely upon the nature of the collision and the participants and those consequences are Dharma-fixed. We call that conditioning.

But those particles have one other important characteristic. They can violate the Dharma conditioning and act in manner that is completely random. We can call that "chance".

Yet that particle can decide nothing at all.

It would not surprise us at all to learn that the world of apparent existence is made up of BLOBS. Of course this is fiction, more or less, but we could well accept that is how they might react.


Yet we, as arrogant human creatures, when it is suggested that we are no different than these BLOBS we have invented, recoil and insist that we have FREE WILL.

But the truth is that we have no Free Will at all and cannot choose. We are Dharma-ruled by CONDITIONING and RANDOM RESPONSES.

Now if the human creature had developed correctly, then all conditioned responses to any stimulus would be consistent with its benefit and survival. It would experience Awe, Rapture, Bliss on occasions and always be with Well-Being.

There would be no necessity to choose. 

The random responses, which would not then be the norm if conditioning is strong, would be available when new conditions are met.

A random response the would lead the human creature into uncharted territories.

Since Dharma nature is not the least interested in individuals, their life or their demise, this becomes a great biological advantage if the new responses work well to further strengthen survival. These new responses, if replicated and proved effective, can be then conditioned.

The human creature however has developed a virus which we term Identity and it brings with it the development of mind of duality, which seeks permanence, peace, order, existence and meaning for its life. It is not surprising therefore that it insists that it can choose. 

When some conditioning unfolds it says that it has chosen and blankets the possibility of random responses. This is a consequence of the IDENTITY VIRUS.

Furthermore, that VIRUS disrupts correct natural conditioning and generates disharmony and unbalancing of the natural system.

When natural conditioning is violated there is a homeostatic cry from the system.

It is normally ignored, because after fourteen thousand years of operation the virus has great habit strength. Yet behind in consciousness there arises the cry, "What the hell is going on here?!"

A fortunate collision of the human BLOBS may give a little help to homeostasis, but it might not lead it to liberation. The conditioning of homeostasis will push for a change of direction and velocity, a change of rotation and velocity, or a change in its color.

With fortune the VIRUS is rejected for the moment and with great fortune the VIRUS is destroyed.

We can say then that the human creature that has built for himself a virus-infested world enjoys Virus happiness accompanied with suffering. Wellbeing and the rest he may glimpse occasionally but the virus conditioning is very strong.

When Virus Craving is satisfied the Virus Identity believes that it has chosen correctly and when there is no satisfaction then craving must continue.

Correct conditioning and homeostasis is lying back there in the unconscious, waiting for something to happen that can restore natural harmony and balance.

But it can only happen by CHANCE.

The Identity will now yell and protest and give its dissonance reasons why there is available Free Will. Of course, we know that only Identity can generate for itself a false Consciousness of Free Will.

In a more ample field we must ask:


How can we unchain the chance liberation that generates Natural Dharma?

How can we dismiss the Virus of Identity if we cannot choose to do so?

Is there then any Natural Defense of the Life Force?

The questions are, then, how can there be a chance liberation of:

The Embracing of Life and Death?

The Embracing and the Letting go of Consciousness?


To be continued...