Zeus on Liberation

Let us now be clear about one thing, very, very clear. Men can only understand freedom and be free when women understand freedom and are truly free.

Yes, that is correct. You must help open the door for women so that you can step through. 

But first all must understand why all are trapped in this net of deception and why we live such insane lives. 

                                                  ADAM AND EVE

In the legend of Adam and Eve they had it good, until the serpent came along. Where did the errors begin? Experts have analysed Moby Dick and The Heart of Darkness. Why not the legend of the Garden of Eden? 

First of all, why did God create man? That is a simple question really. He wanted a gardener. In Genesis, chapter two, verse, 15 it says: 

“And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.” After all, what more is man good for? Then, of course he warned him about the Tree of Knowledge.

Now why did God put a tree of knowledge in the garden in the first place? You don’t put loaded guns in the cribs of babies. 

Perhaps it was because he liked the form and name of the tree, after all there were certainly few gardens around with a tree like that in it. Then again perhaps he knew that man was not really bright enough to ask why God planted it in the first place. In other words, man was stupid and obedient. Here we see part of the problem of human cohabitation. Man is an obedient creature when there is someone with authority around and God was that authority until the first woman came along.

So God made his first mistake, or he had a pretty mean streak in him, for in verse 18 it is said, “And the Lord God said,

 “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help mate for him”.

You see it is not than man felt alone, it was that God decided that it was not good that he should be alone. Why? If it was just a case of an extra hand to help with the dressing of the Garden, why not make another man? Certainly, Adam’s workload would be lighter and they could actually sit down and talk when it was all over and invent games like football and baseball, for two of course. But no, he made a Woman. Probably the truth was that he didn’t want the man to be constantly running after the sheep, which he had either had already made according to Chapter one or planned to create next according to Chapter two. Anyway, at one moment all the fowl of the air and the beast of the fields were made and Adam was there and God slipped up.

He caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and with surgical precision took one of his ribs and made a woman. Now why did he do that? Was it really easier than making a woman from fresh “nothing”?  

Or was it that he wanted the women to sense intuitively that she possessed something that belonged to the man, setting the stage for her wanting the rest?

Perhaps too if man had been really free at that moment he would have retreated deeply into the forest living like an Orangutan, but knowing that she had his rib, perhaps he wanted it back and was looking for a good opportunity. Anyway that was God’s mysterious decision.

Then God said a funny thing. In verse 24 he declared,

 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”. 

 Adam didn’t have a father and a mother, so who was he talking about?


      “Cleave and be one flesh”.  Now what was that supposed to mean?

God must have been pretty slick, because that word “cleave” has two meanings. The first is, "to adhere closely, stick and cling to”, and the other is, ”to split or divide along a natural line of division or to penetrate or pass through."

Since God’s word in those days was more or less law, they he had to “cleave”. She clearly got the impression that Adam had to adhere closely and cling to her and she to him. He clearly took the alternative concept. You are intelligent enough to work that one out. Each could lead to being one flesh, but both would differ on how long that cleaving was supposed to last. 

                                                   God didn’t say.

Then the serpent came on the scene.  It was a pretty smart serpent, because it seems it knew more than Eve. We must deduce then that it was also female, for it knew how to hold a conversation without the mind being elsewhere.

Anyway, it was then after their little chat that in Chapter 3, verse 6, we find,

“and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat ..” Then she made her first mistake. We are told, “(she) gave (the fruit) also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

The legend does not say that the man saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise. The legend simply says that he obeyed his wife, or perhaps he wasn’t thinking straight at the time, thinking about how to “cleave” with her.

The question which comes to mind is how in this Garden of great Perfection, before there was duality, Eve managed to conjure up pleasure and desire.

                                                TWO MISTAKES

There were two mistakes, the first God’s which prejudiced the freedom of the man and the second the woman’s who gave man the tools to believe that he was intelligent and superior.

Now if women desire true liberty they have to set back the clock and somehow get man to understand that the half of the apple he ate had a worm in it. Second, she has to get his idea of cleaving out of his head. But at the same time she has to get the idea of his adhering and clinging to her out of her head. 

The concept of Woman’s liberation as it originally developed in the sixties was precisely that.

Unfortunately, what has developed in the time which has passed since that original idea of woman’s liberation was introduced, is that he, the male, has to stop cleaving, unless she says so and that he has to learn how to better adhere to her. While a woman believes that, she can never be free.

                                      WHAT IS LIBERATION, ANYWAY?

What then is liberation? It is different for different minds. There is religious liberation, social liberation, educational liberation, cultural liberation and, what is most important, Identity liberation which gives freedom from all of the previous. If we take liberation to mean simply the freedom of choice and equality in all matters, then there is at best only a relative liberation, for religion, society, education and culture have their own norms, rituals and ceremonies. 

One is only free up to a particular point. Women have never had, and do not now have the same freedom of choice nor equality in religion, socially, educationally or culturally than men. Gaining that freedom is an impossible task except in the courts of justice. Women will then perhaps attain, with a struggle, the apparent freedom of men, but unless the “chips” are changed then de facto discrimination will continue. At best they will still be under the domination and conditioning of religion, culture, the state and the educational norms that these adhere to. What price will they then have to pay, to accept an absolutely foolish Pandora’s box of choices, the most terrible among them to be like men or not, which engenders a male-oriented egoistic competition in life which is alien to women.

As a result, with their word intelligence and the skills learned from the days in the caves where individual survival was important for them, they will generate a new set of rules for the game. Men will adapt to these changes, for they are too unintelligent to see the consequences and the women battling for their freedom will be too insensitive to see that what they have gained is the same inferiority as men, along with the cancer, heart problems, and responsibilities which has been man’s lot ever since he was fool enough to declare to Eve when they discovered their nakedness. “Don’t worry about it, babe, let’s enjoy it.” Whereupon in order to make her nakedness more appealing, she began to 

wear custom design cloths and wear bear grease on her hair for more sex appeal,  and accessibility more difficult to make man’s cleaving more intense by its denial. Those were the tools of the trade she learned about when she joined the serpent's little “apple” club.

                                  MAN IS AN OBSOLETE LIFE FORM

What women have realized at a subconscious level, but have never really come to terms with is that a man is an obsolete life form. He is in the modern world, but essentially still chewing the worm from the apple, knowing that there is something wrong with the taste that he cannot put his finger on and obeying what he interpreted as God’s order to “cleave”.  He has never moved beyond that point in ten thousand years. And what do women seem to be craving? Precisely what he has got. They want to “cleave” too, but they don’t have the equipment, so they do what they can to immitate his obsolete manner of being.

For women who find that unattractive there are only two choices. To continue with the feminine domination as it is with all the folly-related behaviour that creates an unnatural gap between the two genders or to discover the secrets of true freedom.

Who has the secrets? God? Don’t think that for a moment. First of all, although we talk here as if God was a male, don’t believe for a moment that that is so. God is a woman. There’s plenty of proof. Why didn’t this supposed “he” cancel the whole Eden project and do it again? 

She didn’t want to acknowledge that there had been a mistake. Why didn’t she create a woman first? That’s easy. She really doesn’t gel well with other women and wanted to make something new. Why didn’t she do better on the design? She doesn’t have that abstract brain, you see. She was a marvellous organizer but didn’t see the whole picture. That’s a woman thing, you see. Women are Intelligent but completely irrational. God is irrational.  She loves her children one minute and the next punishes them. God does that. Let’s admit it, She knows all about life, but damn all about setting up a nice ordered biocomputer to make a good job of it.

                                                           ONE ANSWER

The first thing that men have to do apart from rectify their poor introspection and acknowledge their stupidity is get a quick no-fault divorce from God. If they want to invent another God that’s all right too, but let it be clear who is the boss.  Don’t be obsolete any more. What do men have to do? They can create another legend without a God, based upon human truth and the Natural Life Force, but it is better to actually work at changing things.  

The trap they must not fall in is to change into what women want and desire. They must change into what women need and that is not “cleaving”. 

That natural process comes about quite naturally without the folly-filled Identities entering in at all.

Assuming then that men will have done all they can to set the stage for the liberation of women, what do you believe that the perfect and liberated woman be like? Really think about it. Do you think it may coincide with what women want and desire them to be like? No, there is no way, brother. Women want to be desirable without being desired. Now work that one out if you can.

What that means is she does not want to be sought after as though she were a bitch in heat.  What she wants is to feel simply that she is  special. It is easy to assume that women are dressing for men to attract them. That is not the case. They are dressing to feel special and it makes no difference if she has a pink and red Punky haircut with handcuffs hanging from her ears or if she dresses as if she is modelling for Dior. What she is trying for is to feel special. Naturally she is looking for someone to confirm that for her. But that person must himself be special. 

The pity is that she needs to feel special. Why should she feel special either inside or out? It is because after thousands of years she had lost her spot as a helpmate and became no better than a two-legged cow. How did that occur if she was more intelligent than man? Once again, it may have been God’s fault for not making his instructions clear. You will remember that in Chapter 1 verse 28 God told them both that they had dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the face of the earth. But we all know that when any man is with his wife and someone says something he always is sure the person is speaking to him not both of them. That is part of the male Ego. So it is likely that he considered Eve just to be one of the moving things that he was supposed to have dominion over. Now the only way that a woman can beat that sort of stupidity is prove in some way or other that she is better than a cow. So she has to be, or at least appear to be, special. 

But appearing special is hard work and never works. The only real solution is to BE special without any effort. The problem is that she never has seen that she is special and doesn’t need to do anything. If she had really been less concerned with her lot she would have seen that God was talking to her, not Adam at all. She would have seen immediately that Adam was no more than a rampant bull, a moving thing without much of a brain. But she didn’t see that.

Now we have the finger on the pulse of true woman’s liberation. It is the freedom to BE special without any internal effort or external restrictions. A man who is alert and special himself will detect immediately a woman who is special inside. In the way she walks and talks and in the little mannerisms she is saying, “I know who I am inside.”  

That is a far cry from the full liberation, which knows that that being special is natural but really just is a beautiful and useful illusion, but it is a magnificent pulse, first step. But how many special men are there in this world to see anything? Not enough to go around, that is certain.

So what is the true liberation? Let me tell you, Ms Eve. First it is to be a human creature, second to be a woman, and third to be you. Now unfortunately you can’t work from your apparent true sense of being an individual and work towards being human. You cannot be "you" first. That leads to identity disaster. First you have to be a human creature and that virtue has been buried in the earth of the Garden of Eden which you and the fool man left more or less ten thousand years ago.

Instead all you have learned is how to be a notch ahead of other woman and be at least the best seductress in your group, without really appearing to be so. Why? In order to get back the control you lost way back in the Garden. Why a seductress? Because it works. Men have a Mister America mind of muscle and a small brain. Man is tired every day of competing and always being second or even further down the totem pole. What men want is to be with a Goddess who can tend and treat their wounds and tell them that they are the best. They are primed and waiting for a seductress when they are not working or involved in other foolish practices. 

But men don’t just want any Goddess, they wants a Venus, a Goddess of cleaving who he can trust not to cut off his hair when he is sleeping.

Many women, until they give up on the idea, make the mistake of thinking seduction is all about being a combination of Helen of Troy and Cleopatra. 

Youth and beauty, no matter how many operations are performed to obtain them, are not necessary even if you do wish to be a seductress. My dear, you have been tricked and beguiled by the men’s magazines which sell ideas of external female sexuality succesfully to men who have become either mindless fans of breasts or backsides.

Men can’t tell you what seduction is, even if you are in error upon that path. Don’t look in the mirror. That is the first error you make. You can’t compete there. It matters not that you wear the same cloths as the current queen of Hollywood or the latest in bangles and beads. It matters not that your figure is what is considered this year as perfect. What matters is that you have the secret of seduction. Actually you have it somewhere but have lost it, so you do the best you can to imitate witless and unimaginative clones that appear in beauty pageants, in every media advertisement and what is even more incredible in the pages of comics. Even Hollywood science-fiction androids are set with the same standards. Actually, it is refreshing to see an actress who is not a clone.

So what do you do? You fear and revile every clone you see and attempt to be one yourself. Now I will tell you a secret. A liberated woman is a natural seductress and liberation is not just a casting off of social chains, it is changing the chip. The false seductress can only hold a relation for seven years if she is very, very lucky and no more than seven months if she is not, while the natural seductress doesn’t even think about seduction. She is a woman and, without thinking of being accompanied by anyone, is so. 

Today we are in a period of crisis as human beings, as women and men and as apparent individuals. There is not today the most remote possibility of generating even a tribe of one man and one woman unless we first become human. 

Men are seen as breast- and crotch-worshiping dominating breadwinners with double standards and total irresponsibility. Women are seen as over the hill broads with wide open mouths that are always crabbing about something who want to keep the bread coming in while giving nothing in return while wearing the pants.

You can point around you to the Derbies and Joans, walking in the sunset hand in hand to the cemetery, but you can’t see inside to their lost lives. Women have tried Feminism. It doesn’t work. Women have tried equality. It doesn’t work. What they haven’t tried is being a woman who is feminine and equal as nature made them.

We have seen some in history, but they have a sepia colouring and are overlooked when compared to the glossy pages. Now we are not talking about power over men or the ancient art of seduction when we talk about natural seduction. Mata Hari and the rest had clear ulterior motives. Natural seduction includes gladness, compassion, benevolent affect (not mindless love with its associated suffering), curiosity, creativity and a sense of humour which can with subtlety see the folly in all human foibles and smile. That is female liberation. But natural seduction is what distinguishes men from women. Men who are different do not fall easily into the trap of artful seduction, but are willing participants in true and natural seduction.

That seduction has nothing to do with the social, cultural and religious issues which are apart and only external manifestations. No matter what external injustices are remedied, Woman will not be free until she can really feel “Woman” and never have to remind herself “I am woman.”