First, let us examine the base of the contemplations:

1.  Sit in meditation with the cognitive mind clear that correct meditation or contemplation is essential in one's life and more important than almost every other thing one can do, such as correct and natural relations, attitudes and intentions in occupation, and that every daily task depends upon taming the mind.

2.  Understand that the fruit of the contemplation is the unconscious experience which will condition a constant background awareness of the five factors in all daily activity.

3.  With a calm and prepared mind use a one-pointed concentration upon the inhalation and exhalation at the nostrils, knowing "breathing in" and "breathing out".

This simple task when stabilized serves to close the door to thought impediments.

4. Being conscious of every tactile stimulus impinging upon the body,  including pressure, heat and pain, one lets them flow together forming one experience of whole body touch, which we call the Defensive Qi.

This may result in the illusion of lightness, floating in space, observing oneself and many other unimportant experiences.

5. Remain within that state of Defensive Qi.

The simple act of remaining within that Defensive Qi will automatically evoke the actual body of the contemplation, which will occur without any consciousness of its arrival or operation.

6. A pre-programmed "discernment" of an experience associated with the contemplation task, which is also completely beyond the reach of consciousness, will be captured by memory.

7. This experience will be compared in memory to other existing experiences and there will be a consciousness of that experience which can be confirmed in a simple observation about that experience.

The eliciting of that internal experience relative to the particular contemplation will internally generate a natural repair of the processes, the level of which depends upon the intensity and frequency of the contemplation.