The operation of preparing the five tasks is exactly the same for each. It consists of establishing the ULTIMATE CONCEPUALIZATION as a cognitive experience with the WORD STIMULUS CUE of the task.

Thus we develop the ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE - VACUITY pair, and so too the other four TASKS independently as separate associations.

These pairs must be developed outside the PRE-PREPARATION through the teachings.

The great difficulty, of course, is establishing correctly the ULTIMATE CONCEPTUALIZATION AS AN EXPERIENCE.

In order to accomplish this, one draws from memory a full elaboration in words relative to your concept of what VACUITY is.

Take, for example, the concept of a chair. We know that all apparent phenomena are generated by certain characteristics which appear in perception. Contour, color, texture, and a host of other characteristics are experienced together, forming the concept.

The nature of those perceptions depends upon the biological capacity of the receptors to receive that information, which is different for every living species.

Those perceptions which each have a name which we collectively call FORM are given the name CHAIR.

Now imagine that we received all those characteristics but could never attach names to them. There would just be the RAW collective experience of the chair, which would also have no name.

The chair as we know it would not exist, for we have created an illusion of chair.

The human system, if it had evolved without words, would still correctly react to the presence of the chair, but we could never know it as a chair. It would just be an experience.

Now imagine that for you the whole world of phenomena was present without the words that defined the information received. Now that would be a world of VACUITY without MENTAL SUBSTANCE.

The idea then is to throw oneself into that world and experience what it would be like and then allow that SINGULAR experience to be the ULTIMATE CONCEPTUALIZATION OF VACUITY.

It may take many trial and error performances to really advance to the point where that experience is consolidated.

It is that experience, when it is solidly associated with the word VACUITY, that is the TASK.

Remember that in the pre-preparation all that one enters is the idea, "the vacuity experience is developing perfectly".