


While each man chooses his own path, invariably with the help of Identity that path leads not to Well-Being but Doom. Now in these modern times the collective folly of Globalized Greed is leading all mankind to its doom. In times gone by Science Fiction could in great measure predict the future, but today with technology moving so fast the book that hits the market today has already become fact.

In this section we look at your future as an individual and the future world of mankind. We come to the conclusion that the Buddha Nature will be destroyed and will be replaced by the nature of the Sisters of Mara.

Far-fetched? I think not. Yet the Dharma Nature is indestructible and perhaps the Chinese phrase 不破不立 is correct, there can be (for mankind) no construction without destruction.

If you are not part of the solution YOU are the problem. Mankind is almost at the point of no return.

In this page the Dharma is available, but I cannot feed it to you like the greedy world feeds a goose to obtain Foie Gras. Therefore at the seminary and in this page I follow the idea of Confucius:

"I do not open up the truth to one who is not eager to get knowledge,

nor help out any one who is not anxious to explain himself.

When I have presented one corner of a subject to any one,

and he cannot from it learn the other three, I do not repeat my lesson."

Nothing is hidden, but one must use a mind that is not governed by intelligence or emotion. What is required is a mind that does not use logic, is open and also flexible in order to not only see, but lift the three other corners.

The words of the great master Drugpa Kunley are most appropriate here

"If I am or not a bad example for others depends totally on the intelligence of the observer.

Furthermore, if a man is destined to pass his time in hell in imitation of a Buddha he would not be saved. And if a man is destined for Buddhahood the type of robes he uses are not relevant and his activity is naturally spontaneous and pure.

Desiring a permanent home (or a temple) or branding any material object, he strays from the path strengthening the idea of “me” and “mine”.

When one venerates monks the potential for emotional clinging is at this point greater than the common man.


'Failing to catch the spirit of the Buddhas. What use is it to follow the letter of the Law?

"My good man, the defenders of the correct teaching don’t need to observe the five precepts nor practice the appropriate rules of conduct. On the contrary, they should wield knives and swords, bows and arrows.”... Buddha

Without an apprenticeship to a competent Master, What use is great talent and intelligence ?

 Unable to love all beings as your sons, What use is solemn prayer and ritual?

 Ignorant of the sole point of the Three Vows, What is gained by ignoring each in turn?

 Failing to realize that Buddha is within, What reality can be found outside?

Incapable of a natural stream of meditation, What can be gained by violating thought?

 Unable to regulate life according to the seasons and the time of the day, Who are you but a muddled, indiscriminate fool?

 If an enlightened perspective is not intuitively grasped, What can be gained by a systematic search?

 Living on borrowed time and energy, wasting your life, Who will repay your debts in the future?

Wearing coarse and scanty clothing in great discomfort, What can the ascetic gain by suffering the cold hells in this life?

The aspirant striving without specific instruction, Like an ant climbing a sand hill, accomplishes nothing.

 Gathering instruction, but ignoring meditation on the nature of mind, Is like starving oneself when the larder is full.

The Sage who refuses to teach or write, Is as useless as the jewel in the King Snake's head.

 The fool who knows nothing but prattles constantly, Merely proclaims his ignorance to all. Understanding the essence of the Teaching, practice it."