The supreme task of the physicist is to arrive at those universal elementary laws from which the cosmos can be built up by pure deduction. There is no logical path to these laws; only intuition, resting on sympathetic understanding of experience, can reach them. (Albert Einstein, 1918)

How can one describe in words that which is not directly accessible to human experience? One cannot, but descriptions in words can generate impressions regarding appearances.

As a consequence, let us call that unknown Dao BOUNDLESS AND ETERNAL SPACE. Let us also use a logical assertion that that space is constantly changing and in motion.

Remember that those words, "constantly changing and in motion," are word-ideas and as such cannot really describe what may be happening. But it is at the moment the closest that we can get.

Our own illusory universe is finite but expandig within that infinite space. We could examine models of space, but we are interested in only one thing and that is the Life Force.

The Life Force in and of itself we define as the Force that operates to perpetuate life. We are not interested here in this page on how that life began. Now in order to perpetuate life within boundless and eternal space there must be an interaction between what we call the universe (our particular experience of space) and that Life Force.

That is where our model begins

If we imagine that the contact point of the interface is a mirror, we might suppose that the characteristics of the apparent external world will be reflected upon that mirror.

Now there are various aspects of this interaction: the IMAGE on the the mirror itself , THE MIRROR SURFACE and, most important for us, the CAPACITY of the MIRROR SURFACE to CAPTURE THE IMAGE.


AWARENESS does nothing, it is just there. Now be very careful here to understand, AWARENESS does not capture anything. One cannot ever be AWARE of what is reflected. But one can be conscious of the activity of BEING AWARE.

That consciousness of BEING AWARE is passed as information to the RIGHT HEMISPHERE and effectively signals that the organism is ALIVE. It is there related to what we call the FUNCTION process.

BEING AWARE then for the human creature is a signal that the LIFE FORCE is in operation. But remember that it is an experience first and foremost that later may have a name attached in PERCEPTION.

Without that awareness the LIFE FORCE, the perpetuation of life, cannot function.