The full operating system consists of the following:

Pure Mind Shen, 心神 (right hemisphere feminine principle), To Do

Transforming Shen, 化神, the transforming force

Hun, 魂 (left hemisphere masculine principle), Shen Expression Doing

Transforming Rexin, 热心, the transforming Zeal.

Po, 魄 (Cognitive Consciousness), of action Readiness

It is imperative that is a natural system that the energy force that is completly operative and functioning so that the comparative operations can take place between the Masculine Principle base of survival elements and Cognition. Then Attitudes, intentions, the readiness to respond and the response can be confirmed as valid or not.

Invalidation results in a further internal cognitive seach, while the blanketing by Identity of the Masculine Principal. hun, expressions results in the actual expressions of Identity taking dominance of th resulting actions.

The actual "energy force" of Rexin, 热心, is experienced as four distinct experiences which are derived by cognition and named on the base of the intensity of the experience, with which, naturally, there are individual cultural differences which have been learned since childhood.


 HUN, 魂 > Rexin, 热心 > PO,, 魄

In terms of  Hun 魂 the flow is :

                                                 The Life Force


             Equanimity, Compassion and Benevolent Affect, Gladness           


                                              熱心, rè xīn, is Zeal


                               Awe, Rapture, Bliss and Well Being

within PO liberates Processes from Identity Dominance,

 reducing Confusion, Acquisitiveness and Aversion. 

          These Zeal Experiences, which are really just one experience, are:

                               Awe . Rapture . Bliss . Well being

There are as you can see other related eperiences which arise from the Life Force itself of:

              Equanimity  . Compassion . Benevolent Affect . Gladness

The rexin, 热心, force can be experiences by way of Reflection contemplations, but if that becomes difficult then they can be acessed by making the contemplation devices respectively:

     Environment . Tribe . Offspring . Self (Observing not Observer)

                              THE REDUCTION OF IDENTITY IN DAILY LIFE

One of the most important of the Rexin, 热心,  contemplations is that of the "life Force". The meditator does not have to concern himself with the actual application, but from a theoretical point of view although the objective is to revitalize Rexin,热心,it is directed at PO, which is Cognition, as are the other four contemplations, with the objective of standing as a daily Presence..

These four experience Contemplations are   Vacuity (not emptiness)

                                                                   Unity (Oneness)


                                                                   Clear Comprehension

These four elements are actually components of the Llife Force although the Life Force is actually the energy of growth and transformation from apparent birth to aparent death.

                             THE REXIN CONTEMPLATIONS

                                          The Life Force

Awe of the Environment

   Rapture of the Tribe

      Bliss of Offspring

Well being of Observing


                          THE PO-REXIN CONTEMPLATIONS         

                                         The Life Force

                                    Vacuity (not emptiness)

                                        Unity (Oneness)


                                     Clear Comprehension

These contemplations are not continued within the Becoming of Consciousness to the unconscious levels, but only to the VICARA EXPERIENCE of each.

It is these conscious experiences which are carried as the Presence.

It willbe noted that both groups are headed bythe Life Force Contemplation. Each is distinct in that the focus in the former is upon Conitive Expression of the Life Force and in the later upon the Expression of Forms.