THE REVITALIZATION OF ZEAL (Rexin, 热心)

Transforming Rexin, 热心, the transforming Zeal.

For those who are not regular followers or students of Mahabodhi Sunyata Chan- Dao, the understanding of this part will be difficult. 

The objective here is not to provide a smooth link in the circular path of the Sublime States but to make a quantum jump from one level to another without trying to teach the basics necessary for a complete  understanding of each level. Our interest is only to show the Sublime States and their great importance to any Dharma Path. The surprising conclusion perhaps will not be learned until the end of the series.

We must begin this part then with a brief account of Shi礻and Shen 申.

Within the character Shen, 神, the first part of the character Shi,礻, consists of two horizontal lines in the upper part which indicate "that which is above" and therefore "the heavens". The three vertical components represent all that is attached to the Heavens, namely for our purposes upon earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, the changes of which reveal, to the person who is aware, the Truth of the Gods. Thus shi simply declares, “the sun moon and stars reveal the truth of the gods”.

The second part of the character, 申, shen represents hands girding the body as spirit, extending the state to the ninth earthly branch, which symbolizes creative energy and curiosity, and also the time of the year between August 6 and September 6. 

We can symbolically recall that during this phase, crops are ready to harvest, as are natural talents and abilities.

So Shen as the combination as 神 of the two characters is, in terms of ancient Chinese thought, the readiness to reveal the truth of the gods, the affluence of Heaven to those prepared to harvest natural talent and abilities.

The combination of the two parts is also phonetic, but the idea indicates that Shen of the heart (which is pure mind of the right hemisphere) is a subtle catalyst of Qi, becoming a quality without form or name which can be extended as positive life support action to all sentient creatures used to help and guard all living creatures.

It is effectively in terms of physiology the force that unites the feminine principle's natural programs of Dao with their masculine principle expression, thus producing potential natural union with the motivational Zeal for cognitive balance and harmony.

Shen in a more specific body oriented sense is a "spiritual body force" and this force is able to generate collectively the union of all the aspects of changing the natural processes of the feminine principle of the right hemisphere from the readiness “TO DO” into “DOING”.

This Shen pattern is not complex conceptually. It generates the basic criteria for the maintenance of a balanced life force of Survival of the individual, the tribe, all offspring and the environment (including all life) that supports these.

        But the full operating system consists of the following:

Pure Mind Shen, 心神 (right hemisphere feminine principle), To Do

Transforming Shen, 化神, the transforming force

Hun, 魂 (left hemisphere masculine principle), Shen Expression Doing

Transforming Rexin, 热心, the transforming Zeal.

Po, 魄 (Cognitive Consciousness), of action Readiness

There are specific Contemplations for the renovation of Transforming Shen, 化神, and for the renovation of Transforming Rexin, 热心, which are essential for the SHEN-HUN information flow and the elimination of Identity symptoms favoring the opening of the HUN-PO information flow.

However Contemplations cannot begin with Transforming Shen, 化神, the transforming force, but with Transforming Rexin,  热心, the transforming Zeal.

              Transforming Rexin,  热心, the transforming Zeal.

What does this transforming force actually do? 

It motivates Cognition to access the "base" of correct Attitudes which Hun 魂 (left-hemisphere masculine principle) holds as a reference.

It consists naturally, since it is a force, of ENERGY and that energy may be shown in a model in which the force arising from Hun, 魂, starts with an ample range and which gradually diminishes when it reaches Po, 魄 (Cognitive Consciousness). The intensity, however, remains the same, so that when it reaches PO the intensity is concentrated upon one point.

                                          熱心, rè xīn, is Zeal 

(transforming the Masculine Principle Expression into valid Cognition operation).

This Zeal may be understood as being ardent, earnest, of a moral nature, 心 xīn and warmhearted (that is, glad, compassionate and benevolent).

This becomes the important point here. This energy force has the associated conscious experiences of Equanimity, Compassion and Benevolent Affect, Gladness. 

It is this energy which liberate Consciousness from Identity Dominance, reducing Confusion, Acquisitiveness and Aversion. 

It is manifested with a certain passion. This is where the contemplations of DE are directed.


 HUN, 魂 > Rexin, 热心 > PO,, 魄

In terms of  Hun 魂 the flow is :

                                                 The Life Force


             Equanimity, Compassion and Benevolent Affect, Gladness           


                                              熱心, rè xīn, is Zeal


                               Awe, Rapture, Bliss and Well Being

within PO liberates Processes from Identity Dominance,

 reducing Confusion, Acquisitiveness and Aversion. 

This liberation from Identity allows the Masculine Principle expression of the Life Force Paradigms to act as a filter for cognitive functions in the generation of Intentions, Readiness to Respond and the eliciting of the final Action, which then through feedback and conditioning, adjusts with time and energy the basic stored attitudes.

              The following shows the Life Force flow from PO, Cognition

PO 魄 > 積極性 jī jí xìng > YI, 仪 >志意 yi zhi > ZHI, 志 > 恒心 heng xin > HENG SHEN, 恒神

                  YI  Initiative with Gladness

            ZHI  Determination with Equanimity

       HENG XIN Perseverance with Natural Compassion